Bug Quest Flames of War (3/4) at Stalgard has trouble or bug? please help me

Discussion in 'Quests' started by lue, Mar 30, 2022.

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  1. lue

    lue Forum Greenhorn

    I need to collect 90 i-boards to overload work tables, but I can't do that.
    because the quest only collects 20 i-boards.
    I am stuck.


    then I found out that in the previous version (probably), collect 90 i-boards instead of 20.

    Last edited: Apr 27, 2022
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    With the latest screw up ... i mean release ... the New Wizard Team fixed the quests:
    The quests were not broken but the questlines needed to me "adjusted" so they would fit the New World Order.
    As you can see from the quest line ... it says:
    "Overload 18 work tables with 5 i-Boards each"
    Under the New World Order 18x5≠90 .... 18x5=18 ... therefore you need to collect 20 i-Boards.
    That is the new logic ... the new normal in this game.
  3. backtotown58

    backtotown58 Forum Greenhorn

    How did you finish this quest?
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Collect 90 i-Boards and click all the tables ;)
  5. backtotown58

    backtotown58 Forum Greenhorn

    I would if I were able to collect 90 i-Boards. But again I am only able to collect 20
  6. remei

    remei Junior Expert

    If you have 20 boards, try to overload 4 tables with them, then perhaps collect 20 more again.... rinse and repeat. Not sure if it would work, but worth trying at least.
  7. CiscoNetPlus

    CiscoNetPlus Old Hand

    It doesn't work, once you've collected all 20 you can't collect more. Waiting for a hotfix to fix this mission.
    backtotown58 likes this.
  8. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Come on people use your imagination.
    You can collect 90!
    Collect 19 ... then change map and invite a friend to clear the area few times on normal difficulty.
    Stay far away and start collecting the frags after few waves. Monsters are re-spawning relatively quickly so your friend can clear few waves fast before the drop start disappearing.
    If you fail just restart the quest and do it all over again. ;)
    Shine2 likes this.
  9. nivinth

    nivinth Forum Greenhorn

    that's so annoying i try to do solo, the quest object disapear when monsters spawn.
    Karlmenni likes this.
  10. Jack_error

    Jack_error Forum Greenhorn

    I agree this quest is bug, before the quest mentioned collect 90 i-Boards

    Last edited: Apr 8, 2022
  11. nivinth

    nivinth Forum Greenhorn

    oh i did before they correct that, it was so simple finnally
  12. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    It is up to you. You either wait for a fix or try the workaround.
    A lot of things in the game are annoying, there are bugs that haven't been fixed for years.
  13. lue

    lue Forum Greenhorn

    it's already fixed