quest for pet event birthday

Discussion in 'Event Questions' started by heracless69, Oct 5, 2023.

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  1. heracless69

    heracless69 Someday Author


    I have a question regarding the quest to obtain the birthday event pets

    last year the quest was repeatable for 30 pirate coins we got a random fart, today the quest is no longer repeatable
    so my question is:
    I have to play 8 years minimum to get the 8 pets?
    the 6 octopuses, the Oree parrot, and the Oree turtle
    I posted this question on discord, it was deleted

    I would just like to have a response from the BP team
  2. Marsicanus

    Marsicanus Forum Veteran

    As far as I can remember the mission was never repeatable.
    Last year there were some problems and all those quests were reset 1 or 2 times
  3. heracless69

    heracless69 Someday Author

    It seems to me that this quet was repeatable

    Last edited: Oct 5, 2023
  4. Marsicanus

    Marsicanus Forum Veteran

    It seems to me that this quest wasn't repeatable.
    After completing it the quest no longer appears in Drake's quest list.

    Difference from repeteable quest and not
    If last year it was a repeatable quest I wouldn't have over 300 pirate gold in inventory since 2022

    As I said you have 3 pauls because last year there was 1 or 2 hotfix and Drake's quests were reset

    But if you are lucky you can found Ruined Amphora also in:
    • Wrinkled Treasure Map
    • Old Treasure Map
    • Ancient Treasure Map
    • Legendary Treasure Map
    so you can found all pauls, turtles and parrot
  5. heracless69

    heracless69 Someday Author

    ok thank you for your explanation, it is a shame that the bp team does not respond and does not give any explanations