Discussion in 'Quests' started by -[MikeTyson]-, Mar 9, 2023.

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  1. -[MikeTyson]-

    -[MikeTyson]- Forum Greenhorn

    Hi, I have completed all main quests, but the quest "Expedition into the Unknown" does not appear in Anadrakasch.
    There is no ship to take me to Lor'Tac

    Agrascha Lignitis doesn't have quests to give me...
    how can I do ? pls.
  2. Lucky_David

    Lucky_David Forum Greenhorn


    What is your current Level? You need to reach Level 45, to unlock that quest and start Act 6 (Lor'Tac)

    Have a nice day :)
  3. -[MikeTyson]-

    -[MikeTyson]- Forum Greenhorn

    Gazie per la risposta.Avevi ragione