Support Quest Not Completing

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by yiannis_l, Oct 2, 2015.

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  1. yiannis_l

    yiannis_l Forum Apprentice


    I have been trying to complete a certain Quest, which is called "Pure as Water (1/6)" for many days now, but I haven't succeeded to do so.

    The Quest is all about killing all the orbaxes located in the sewers of Oceans Temple.

    I have tried many times cleaning the specific area, without stepping out of its boundaries and I have also tried cleaning-up some enemies slightly out of its boundaries.

    Nothing Works, and now I am stuck there. I cannot get new quests, nor open new maps in order to proceed. Sometimes it says that 4 enemies remaining or less and just a few minutes ago that I tried it, it came down to a single enemy! But still nothing! No enemies left and Quest froze.

    Can you please fix this, in order to be able to proceed?

    Let me inform you that I completed levelling-up with my ranger when Lortac was firstly introduced and I didn't had such an issue.

    While trying to level-up my dragonknight, I came along this problem. (Here is a screenshot below)

    Thank you.

  2. If you search the forum, you will find other threads about this quest. It is entirely possible to finish this quest stage, but it is a bit of a pain in the bum - especially solo. Your best bet is to enter with a group of friendly helpers and make sure you clear all the water system (including the loop at the left) and go slightly beyond the water system as well. In particular, clear the area to the south of the water system. Don't exit the map until it's all done. Even then, you and your helpers may have to repeat this a couple of times. If you really, really cannot finish the quest stage after doing this, contact your language support team and ask them to set "Pure as Water (1/6)" to "finished" with a state of 3+
    yiannis_l likes this.
  3. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    There are some orbax in the jungle areas, sometimes.

    They start to respawn after about 15 minutes. Try a team that splits up, and covers different areas at the same time.
    yiannis_l and Novadude like this.
  4. fourtwenty68

    fourtwenty68 Board Analyst

    ya u need to go up the steps and look a few feet on land,they are up there on land,thats what i did.:D
    yiannis_l likes this.
  5. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    What darwarren says. I soloed this twice for each of my characters - Some orbax can spawn in the jungle quite a ways from the sewer. The quest can be tricky if you want to do it solo.
    yiannis_l likes this.
  6. yiannis_l

    yiannis_l Forum Apprentice

    Guys, Thank you very much for all your directions & suggestions!
    I will make sure to follow them to the letter.
    I will even use some blue essence to speed the whole process up and I will let you know, as soon as I am done with it ;)

    Thank you All, one more time! :)


    Success! :)

    I started the Quest, by clearing all the S & SE part of the map completely. Then I started clearing the sewers system until there where 2 enemies left.

    I then headed towards the W part of the map and as it turns out, there were the last 2 orbaxes located there, slightly before the forests began.

    I was then able to complete the Quest and move on.

    Thank you for Everything guys! :)
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 4, 2015
    Kiwigal1244 likes this.
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