Feedback Quest Set in Stone Evergreen Oasis

Discussion in 'Quests' started by IronRodney, Jan 29, 2023.

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  1. IronRodney

    IronRodney Forum Greenhorn

    I am having trouble with this quest as I can not get to the second half of the map. I die every time I try to enter the second half. Help?
  2. ldso

    ldso Advanced

    Are you referring to the Temple of Agony by any chance, which is mentioned in the second half of the quest? :)
  3. IronRodney

    IronRodney Forum Greenhorn

    Set in Stone 3/7. Defeat Anakor and collect the stone fragment. I cannot get to Anakor
  4. G-Rico

    G-Rico Junior Expert

    To defeat Anakor you have to kill all mobs in the map and he will appear