Question about crafting items

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Locket, Feb 23, 2014.

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  1. Locket

    Locket Forum Apprentice

    When farming items- what items should i craft together? I have been crafting blues into pinks- then those pinks into oranges. Sometimes I will craft greens into blues and repeat the same process. But is this the right way to do it? I assume the items loose some value after crafting them into an upgraded item. Just let me know what i should craft and what I shouldnt. :)
  2. soxx101

    soxx101 Forum Connoisseur

    blues and pinks, if they are no good to you then melt and use to upgrade your items till you find better.... sell greens just to get some coins or keep 4 green for the daily for you have something to craft...

    always a pleasure
  3. Locket

    Locket Forum Apprentice

    Awesome thank you! Can I melt the greens? Is it even worth it in the long run??
  4. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    No, they give too few GoP.

    Craft things of similar level. Ex: If you craft 1 level 10 Improved boots and 3 level 15 Improved weapons, you will get a level 10 magic item. 25% chance to be boots and 75% chance to be weapon.

    Also, be wary of 'tiers'. Items have different names, appearance, and base stats at certain levels. Look here for the levels. If your trying to craft an item of that certain 'tier' make sure that all 4 crafted items' levels will result in that tier.
    Crafting 3x Improved Acolyte Robes(level 16) with 1x Improved Silver Coronet(level 11) will likely result into a Magic Apprentice Robes.
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