R 127,The buff of "Ammon’s Glasses" vanished after a mapchange. We could finally fix that bug so tha

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by akimian, Jun 11, 2014.

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  1. akimian

    akimian Forum Greenhorn

    Hello, How about refund for reissue the new glass for us who bought the double drop glass via "Ammon's Glasses" during the period it broken. It was 1600 anders/item, which is almost US $5? I hope Bigpoint doesn't mean to say," we admit our software is broke, we fix it, but anyone of you, players who bought the broken items during that time was too bad, you're are screw...". Thanks, Akimian (Tegan)
  2. Biztart

    Biztart Exceptional Talent

    Please contact Support and explain your situation.
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