R164 Preview

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by trakilaki, Apr 30, 2016.

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  1. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I didn't have time to open this thread earlier ... and you are already familiar with the basics: new quests tab, new "compendium" tab, reworking of the workbench and KH etc


    But ... what I want to say ... Kingshill has new look and it has one big chunk added in the NE part of the map. There are located all NPCs connected with the events (present or future).
    And there is a problem ... Some event quests can be taken only in Kingshill and this new area is far away from the teleport stone ... which means we have to run to that area every time we enter Kingshill . Knowing the map configuration (narrow paths and long distance) it is not an easy task even with epic mount. Getting there and taking event quests will be one big pain in the rear.

    Mario_Boss likes this.
  2. RichMan

    RichMan Active Author

    I checked it my self on the test server and they at least could bring it closer and not at the very end of the map of Kingshill. When the time comes and we will have an event that we need to get in that place i see a lot of lag from all the players in one closed place.
  3. Mrsnowx

    Mrsnowx Forum Apprentice

    :) good evening guys :)

    for my part I'm pretty
    satisfied with this future update
    quest table will be just fine and I find
    it really nice ... The design of crafting 2.0 is pretty
    good ... I could not watch all but it is
    also positive about the expansion of
    Kingshill the fact of the distance is
    small ... with an epic mount and fairy
    or another ... it will not be so long as
    that;) a great bp thank you for this
    work and continue :) :) friendly
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    May I ask how do you know that ... when nobody saw it already ... and like they said it is still in process of making :D
    I disagree ... I have tried on TS it is a long way and it has narrow passage and you can get there only through that passage.
    Fairy? Who in right mind is using Fairy ... especially when playing events XD
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