Suggestion R200??

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by DocWhisky, Nov 29, 2016.

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  1. DocWhisky

    DocWhisky Forum Mogul

    I know we are still a ways away from R200 but ?I believe now is the time to plant the seed and hope it grows into something real.

    I personally think DSO has missed the goal when it comes to Releases. 50, 100, 150 all came and went with out any fanfare. Now R200 is looming in the months ahead and I believe this would, and should be, a great opportunity for the Game and the players to celebrate. R200 is a major milestone and shouldn't be passed up. All the shops could have sales (for those who like to buy goodies). Gnob could offer ALL of his wares and at a bit of a discount. XP could be + 25% - 100% (as the devs see fit) The Matari Frag items could all go on sale ... Could hide dye all over all the maps (i.e. the old valentines day rosy red give away) and there are ton of other things that could be done. Im sure our community at large could offer up a lot of ideas.

    The players like and play this game. Yes we grumble when things dont go right.... but that goes with anything in life. The players ARE the reason there is an R200 looming in the future...

    And without the game, we would all be playing something else.

    Thanks, Doc.
    Reinier, buzzed99 and Kiwigal1 like this.
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