
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by MikeyMetro, Nov 28, 2017.

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  1. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Machine set is being dropped by destructor and atlantis set by gorga?
    They reworked the atlantis staff
    I do not see the dimensional rift/ micro uzi/ legend, whatever, they weren't updated i suppose
  2. Marsicanus

    Marsicanus Forum Veteran

    where you see/read that?
    Noone have that in server test
  3. Galvard

    Galvard Forum Mogul

    From another forum: This is from mystic cubes.
    Now you do not get andermants when you get an uniqu item.
  4. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    wasn't the same before? i got one of those uniques in the past and i didn't get any andermats
  5. Galvard

    Galvard Forum Mogul

    I got andermants with unique from mystic cubes few day ago.
  6. Fugnuts

    Fugnuts Forum Master

    #balance ROFL...make the gap between them payers and non payers even greater.The cubes shouldnt be available only to premium members imo.Imagine how things will look like in the future..deluxe owners will run around in arena in latest tier items and always with latest tier of gems and normal users will struggle to even upgrade 1 item with augument cores lol.I agree that having premium should give you some advantages ingame but not something so gamebreaking as the cubes.Damn..

    I dont understand how you can say that you have acknowledged that theres a big issue with the game balance, that you plan to fix this in the future and then come with such an update which will mess with the balance even more lol.Its ridiculous.

    I mean picture this...everytime a new infernal mode is introduced, deluxe and premium players will upgrade their items from the current tier to the next tier in like 10 minutes and normal players wont be able to upgrade not even 1 item lol.Is this really going to fix the balance?
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2017
  7. Marsicanus

    Marsicanus Forum Veteran

    Every unique from cubes you got an item in inventory with 1000 andermants
  8. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Lifekeeper is now craftable. This is the end.
  9. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    But now at least it seems the uniques are more frequently found in the cubes
  10. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    Sure, noone has them in test server...


    Infact you get a lot more... everyone without any IQ will regret the big loss.

    I was twisted between two options: report your post for troll and flame intents or have a feeling of sadness because it's pretty clear you got some serius comprehnsion problems.
    I've opted for the second one.

    They reworked the sets and some unique from NPC vendors not the random drop from normal mobs?
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2017
  11. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    That picture is from 1000 cubes. Previously, you only had perhaps 1 unique in a 1000.
  12. couda22

    couda22 Forum Commissioner

    But it is test server. Don't expect the same drop ratio of unique items from cubes on production (live) servers. It is possible that it will be higher than the current one, but definitely not that high as currently is on test server.
  13. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    You can't do that


    Standard? To whom?
    I have 25K crit hit without a crafted helmet and crafted items ... what player in right mind that uses 1H weapon would use them? None.
    Again assumption that all players are playing midgets and have 2H builds.
    Not a single ranger (at least 1H) would ditch the 5 second decreased cooldown to Adrenaline.
    Isn't it obvious that the balance is "intentional mess"?
    They are keeping it that way intentionally ... because it is the very core of the freemium gaming. Create a problem and make the players wait for the solution ... but make them pay while waiting ... so they can pay more when you offer them solution to the intentionally created problem.
    AniDrakenSniper93 and DJBarman like this.
  14. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    To anyone.
    You need to see the meaning of "standard" - "an accepted or approved example of something against which others are judged or measured"
    So EVERYONE that will be a DPS class will be compared to the potential DPS achiviable using those sets (EVEN 1handers).

    You make a standard and you compare other stuff to that, the standard itself has SOLID reasons to be considered the reference (in this case the highest DMG per hit).

    and I don't see where you said that it is "meh" ONLY for 1h users; you made a general assumption wrong on solid basis.

    Not everything that isn't good for you isn't good for everyone.

    You wanna bet? Not a single? And the bonus is on the torso, you don't need the adornament and the ones that are already using Q7 aren't using Witch seekers torso? Fortunatly you put that reference to 1h because, truth is, that Q7 users probably have ditched Q8 long time ago.

    Anyway thanks for your quote, it well explained why I said this
  15. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    You got 1000 anders along with the unique, I believed. Don't remember if it went into inventory as a clickable 1000 ander box or if it was just silently being put into the currency bag.
  16. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Maybe it went to the inventory, in fact i got 1000 andermants while i opened the cubes, i opened 87
  17. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    The simple fact it is not my standard your claim has been dismissed.
    Like sargon234 says ... you must be one of the BP's apologists paid to spread "directions" . By the very wording of your sentences I can see that ... you see, there are players in a game not users.
    Hello there ... yea you delusional guy ... what you said?
    Of course the torso has the bonus ... but set is when there are 2 items in use. Using only the torso is not making a set.
    I didn't mention set ... you did. I said "5 second decreased cooldown to Adrenaline" ... but you are talking about set.
    Not just your knowledge about rangers is poor ... you don't even know what are they using. Enter the arena and see how many lightnings from rangers will start striking at your location.
    Same goes for SWs ... they won't ditch the "Ice Missile" in the arena.
    Rangers who are playing with Hoaxbows will never ditch (at least not yet) the q7 set + Dragan set ... so where do you see the Darkness set in the story?
    Actually Drakness set may be viable option to 1H players ... to get over 30% increased damage from the bonuses (not only darkness) up to 40% increased damage from helmet enchantments ... and in same time to maintain high crit and defense. But it is not an option for Hoaxbowers. (as you said they will use Khalys' pauldrons and/or Sigrismarr/Cuchulain's Battle Armor)
    Witch Seeker's torso gives nothing to rangers.

    Before start talking baloney you should check the meaning of the phrase "nonsense talk" ...
    ... last but not least ... when talking about standards ... check the standards of "Creating, designing and the psychology behind F2P Games".

    the andermant goes into inventory ... you can click on it ... just like you get andermant from jesters' chests.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2017
  18. Testador

    Testador Junior Expert

    Has the person who opened these Cubes commented on anything if they had any reduction of the Gems?
  19. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Well, at least 1handers will not feel like EDIT with darkness

    But are they trying to drive into extinction all of those rangers who still use longbows?I mean, the option of siegebows is good, but it should be an option, not an order
    This is making the classes in the game too similar in my tastes, there needs to be a degree of difference in their mechanics

    But he's not a Bp apologist, he's not really defending bp

    Bp apologists are a subsect of the much wider membership of corporate slaves and they are plague on gaming
    I mean, there are people who are probably defending EA after the bull they were trying to pull with SW:BF2, these are the corporate slaves

    But i see many rangers ditching sigris set and using witch seeker set
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 30, 2017
  20. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

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