
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by MikeyMetro, Nov 28, 2017.

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  1. kraken

    kraken Forum Apprentice

    I love your saying that players from enemy team suck... I see Finneas there mate, and as I have played "couple" of 5v5 myself, that's a good mage there, a very good one. Do you play mage?? Go play with one, 2h arena vs tank 1h. Vs tanks like this one. Let me know in 2050 if you'll win 1 single match during this time. Is it normal an entire team to attack 1 single player and never kill him?? Not once, but for the entire game...
    You talk about blocking in vortex.. Say what?? When does vortex ever blocks you?? For years is very easy to escape from it, especially with these high running speeds. Even so, have you ever seen that dk dying in the vortex?? You talk about bad idea hitting with ice. Hit with what? The same dmg by fireball?? Do you think that kind of player will stay to be hit by 5-6 LS?? Do you know how difficult it is to hit max dmg with FS?? Do you know that FS does not even work in some pVE maps unless u search again and again for a spot to launch it?? Do you know how many times I've met dk's like that in 5v5??? Maybe I'm a weak mage, but often I was teamed up with some of the best in game and still and entire team was not able to kill that kind of tank.

    Are you afraid about nerfs?? What dev's call balancing, everyone else call's it a nerf. Guess what...it happens in all other games. Buffing and nerfing time and time a champ or a class it is how all games have done. A pure balance does not exist, nowhere. Some of the people complained on forums even when big hunt event was on, so no matter what the devs are doing, someone will still complain.
    So keep your dk like it is, I don't need nerfs for him. I need crit that can go to 1000% and FS exploding at impact or maxim range, depending how I setup. Is it ok???
    Years ago, there were still dk's that were carrying the flag. And rangers and mages carrying the flag. And all of them, also making lot of kills. You should only carry the flag if your team is able to protect you. And not playing solo 1v5...and wining.

    PS: There are many tanks in the guild where I am. Some of them don't even use LK. Some of them don't even have crafted items or leg/unique equipped. All of them are going inf1/2 and tanking. Long enough for dmg dealers to kill the target. So I dont get what's the problem with your guild. Almost everyone these days is doing inf 1-2. Even newbies. Some bosses are harder than others. Yes. But there's nothing challenging atm in game like old-time Mortis farm.
    babu_o_babu likes this.
  2. Demon

    Demon Forum Mogul

    Maybe he was stripped out from gems on pinata i dont know, i know for sure that there is many players in arena that blow away my 150k life in 2 shot.

    Yes i know that is why i dont complain and try to nerf other class, but i see other that are the best class in pvp and still complain.

    Now you wrong about that , there are many DK in growing phase, you all have a problem, you think all players are like you all have items transferred and big gems - you are wrong.There are many low Dk that have problem tanking infernal 1 you can find them on local chat.

    And if you tell me that you have nothing challenging in the game atm i think you are one of that 10% players that have best accounts in game and i dont think that for 10% of players BP should nerf something just because such a small number of players (i respect you all but dont focus only on your side, please look at all aspects and find a better solution for all).

    Same thing i have done with you in your thread, but your thread is not enough , you also need to complain here.

    Because you are not melee
  3. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    The devs call it balancing, but they do not really do that, they do the lazies thing, which is too nerf to shut up the whiners and they did against everyone

    But still this lifekeeper situation seems to be a little op, let's see how it evolves

    Not that i am in favour of nerfs, i am happy to see pvp crash and burn, even though there isn't much left to crash and burn, it already crashed and burned
  4. EhtovK

    EhtovK Old Hand

    Don't take the bait, it's not worth trying to explain a lot more, the facts are on the table and mostly from you and trakilaki nonetheless, as someone said, time will show how ludicrous this decision is, not only for mages, it'll be really fun when even they start stumbling upon one another on PvP.

    No matter the arguments we throw, judging from the way things are handled here, they'll enjoy the sweet spot for a couple of months at least, DSO is not a game that features constant nor frequent balance changes, so all we can do is set a precedent and wait for the DKs to get fed up of one another as well on those super fun and skillful healing fights to exhaustion we've seen on YouTube.

    Also, to whom it may concern, the regeneration bonus of the life keeper is not quite all the problem, the problem is that what kept the life-keeper in check was its crap damage back at L50 and the low enchantments, you either healed or killed, but now you have both the standard damage for a 1H mace, the regeneration, and it's craftable, and some of you have the guts to call it a "nerf", allow me to laugh, if you don't understand the core concept of the improvement it's not our issue, my 5 year old nephew could call it a nerf upon seeing a smaller number, but going way further and analyzing the rest of the implications and the impact when combined with the current standards, numbers, and meta, that takes half a brain.
    ULTRAPEINLICH and sebastian_fl like this.
  5. Alex_Thor

    Alex_Thor Advanced

    Yes very bad nerf, this beautifull staff is junk again. Who in game use this staff? No one, no one buy it.
    I will buy it only if 100% lighting strike base
  6. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    It's a pickup worth considering for a brand new 55 premium p(l)ayer, who most likely is coming up with one or two full sets of level 45~55 gear as well (full roshans plus level 25 khalys cloak takes a day or 3 to get). Grab this and get started farming endgame pw gear to move onto. Only issue is the gold (and buying premium).
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