
Discussion in 'Test Server' started by ΣMiwel, Nov 18, 2019.

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  1. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    I could....guardian-singularity-frozen sphere- meteor.... like in pvp........

    For the big present....
    gbit and Lambrusco like this.
  2. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Exceptional Talent

    you made my day @EmilyRose. I though for a moment i went to have to farm days for those coins, but now it seems it's not so hard. that i remembered 15 presents were last year but maybe i could be wrong. let's see if Mr Bear is in good mood to give us as many presents as possible this year.

  3. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    When? Today?
    I haven't been there today. I was playing yesterday and nothing was working. I was dealing 100-300 damage per hit
    What about the big present quest?
    That quest was available last year as well. As far as I remember players were struggling to collect them coins.
    This year is even worse. the drop is 10 times lower.

    I still haven't made a guide :)
    That guide on Wiki is old from last year with very few updates.
    Now ... you are probably referring to this picture


    Yes you can see the coins included ... and yes Big Paws is dropping coins .... BUT ... you can see the cloak the bag and the staff as well. Do they drop in every run?
    No they don't. Same goes with the Phestos Coins ... they drop randomly. some players would probably not get even single coin.
    For that reason that drop can't be taken into account. But the granted drop from Kranparus has been nerfed tenfold.
    Last year the drop was:
    Challenge 1 - x 3
    Challenge 2 - x 7
    Challenge 3 - x10

    This year the drop is:

    Challenge 1 - x1
    Challenge 2 - x2
    Challenge 3 - x3

    Also ... the progress drop yesterday was 37 on Infernal 4. But today it was nerfed down to 25
    Last year the progress drop per cage was:
    Normal - 12
    Painful - 14
    Excruciating - 16
    Fatal - 18
    Infernal I - 20
    Infernal II - 22
    Infernal III - 24
    Infernal IV- 26

    This year the progress drop per cage is:
    normal - x5
    painful - x7
    excruciating - x10
    fatal - x12
    infernal 1 - x15
    infernal 2 - x17
    infernal 3 - x20
    infernal 4 - x25

    On top of it the monster's and bosses' mechanics last year were not same as this year.
    This year they are a lot more stronger as we know :)
    So don't cry later on when the event goes live if you dismiss the player's early reports.
  4. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Exceptional Talent

    Hi @trakilaki sorry for making you do a second guide here hahaha. seeing all this information it makes me shiver if it deserve my time ans reosrces doing this event. Anyway i'm gonna try it on monday and i'll deceide then. Let's gonna spend a nice Xmas playing this and that it doesn't become a nightmare to finish it...

    Greetings and good drop
    trakilaki and ΣMiwel like this.
  5. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    Sounds like I'm going to collect the daily Christmas presents and farm for fisures in PW all month to get the Augment cores to go with my very nice supply of Dragan cores. (Need some 3000 Augment cores now, of which the last couple days have farmed about 400).

    The sad part there is that it took a year to get the Dragan cores (3/4 from Halloween event).
  6. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    Maybe you didn't use frozen sphere :)
    trakilaki likes this.
  7. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I forgot to use the sphere ... now I understand why was my damage so low.
    I am so looking forward to play the event on live server ... my ranger would have those frozen spheres prepared in advance. :)
    AndJustice4All and EmilyRose like this.
  8. heracless69

    heracless69 Someday Author

    I am on the server test and can not destroy the machines of Professor Jullov
    I search everywhere and find no way to do

    if i understand the new year event well, the teacher's machines are the same as in pvp, so rangers and warriors will sweat to destroy them while mages and dwarfs will do them quietly
    BRAVO BP still a nice ******** made

    still an event for the cheaters or the payers who did not understand anything, in addition to that the final reward gives access to a dungeon for the DRAGAN event, it's really damn good
    again bravo for your incompetence
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2019