Ranger Skill Tree

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by sam0rsa, Apr 25, 2020.

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  1. sam0rsa

    sam0rsa Forum Greenhorn

    Hello guys, I used to play DSO 2 years ago. I was playing Mage. I have started 1 month ago. I decided to play Ranger. But I don't know how can I use skills and I dont know which skills should I upgrade. Can someone help me for this. By the way I reach lvl 50. (You can share ur skill tree for 55). I have one more question. If I would reach lvl 55. What should I do first ?

    thx for answers.
  2. Shine2

    Shine2 Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Hello sam0rsa, nice to see you back! Enjoy the game:)

    sam0rsa likes this.
  3. sam0rsa

    sam0rsa Forum Greenhorn

    Thx for your good wishes but I didn't get answers my questions
    zimbawe and Lambrusco like this.
  4. alberto270697

    alberto270697 Forum Greenhorn

    https://imgur.com/a/P6xIrUL here's my skill tree. when you reach lv.55 you should find someone who can carry you to PW for farming the unique for your final set. The Great desert is a good choice for farming the items you need for crafting. There's plenty of guide of how can you do it
    Petro.Dmitrich and yener123456 like this.
  5. ZabijMnieGlino

    ZabijMnieGlino Padavan

    I have a question for rangers. We have the q2 and 14/14 amulet in the hunting trap and take 80 percent of the armor from the opponent. We've got a 10/10 patch and we're taking 40 percent of the armor. Using these two skills at the same time, we take 120 percent of the armor? In adultery, I think, because we can take up to 100 percent. Does the annexation of this armor combine with its simultaneous use? Two. Whether you use a disabling net or when using a hunting trap is unnecessary. Thank you in advance for the answers.
    kerad19711 likes this.
  6. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    @sam0rsa skills are very personal, so try them and see what you like most... no liking any of them it's an option too... do not forget it
  7. Sm0Oth

    Sm0Oth Forum Apprentice

    My skill tree, i think best for rangers in 2022
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