Ranger's Wood Wraith slowing effect & pvp talents

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Goat, Jan 9, 2014.

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  1. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    Not sure if there are any Marshals yet but I saw an Ardent KotO Dwarf yesterday... so, close enough.
  2. moby31

    moby31 Regular

    Yes he is a Marschal lvl 45 ,more coming ;)
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2014
  3. Goat

    Goat Forum Apprentice

    I didn't claim Rangers were OP and this isn't a thread about how well balanced or unbalanced the classes are.
    I do not want the Wraith skill removed or it's slowing effect removed. It can be just as useful while leaving the few seconds of immunity alone.

    @moby31: Yeah saw that dwarf thing. Pretty insane :)
    @darknightbleeds: Yep, there's at least 1 dwarf Marshall on Heredur server for some time now
  4. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    Ranger does to much damage, they can mark and do duble damage all the time, I find that unfer to other classes it should be nerfted just like BP nefted DK life points. Ranger is not sopose to have damage as a mage but it does ... wood whath all ways work, marking all ways work ..... not fer to other classes.

    precision shot is 225% with talent plus marking duble it plus critical damage ... can you ges how much damage someone does that have 800 base damage? And there are players with 1500 base, i know a few. :)
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2014
    fab likes this.
  5. fab

    fab Advanced

    What masterofpuppets said is exactly very true, the game shows too much favourites to those rangers which i wanted to know why also.
    Dont tell me sw lightning strike coz they need pin point accuracy as rangers precision shot is always available and personally i find their concentration replenish back quite fast like a sw mana points.
    Dks healing is also infinite at fame lvl40 once their hp is below 33%, there must be a line drawn on the healing part.
    So many unhappiness is shown on the forum about the rangers precison shot , till now nothing is done to them , NOTHING !
    A balanced game shouldnt be in this way, resistance gems should be used maybe on certain gears maybe like on shoulders or robes just like those headgear gems and not everywhere as u like to get as much resistance as u can.
    Rangers are soooo get used to winning matches , and once in a while when u get those rangers in the arena they will simply accused u using essence for pvp , LOL !
  6. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    Point is not about DK's couse our HP are lower now and we need healing couse we can only meele attack and while we get close to strike we will get hit a lot, so thats why so much healing. Ranger on the other hand does not need high base damage and must be nerfted couse they have skill to do duble damage all the time by marking wich is level 5 skill, meaning they must not have, can not have base damage as a mage who has a lot less HP and Armor thus must have damage.

    PS: I do have a Ranger to for PvP.

    Edit: slow down on marking and duble damage effect is a little bit to much dot you think? hmm :)
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2014
  7. fab

    fab Advanced

    I didnt mean dks cant heal, but there must be a line drawn on the healing.
    lvl40 fame is absolutely OP for dks, they can run till exhuastion kicks in and win easily beside that dks smash can do quite decent damage too.
    For rangers side everything is OP, even their scatter shot do crazy amts of damage also.
    Those developers only care about how the rangers pay, how about those P2p sw players dont they deserve something more better rather than just fireballs or magical missiles.
    This is really lame , zzzzzzzzz
  8. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    All I can see here are two skill less players whining. Do some PVP you might get learn something. :D
  9. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    You are actualy saying we don't do pvp and the thread is about rangers in pvp ... I have to ask you, did you read title of thread at all? :)
  10. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    Oh gosh, and it is time to explain to another guy who plays a DK.
    So, the puppet that likes to argue everytime.... there is only ONE wood wraith not 3 wolves. Wood Wraiths are slow and mind control controls our wood wraith. There is up sides and downsides. You never think of the good side I guess. Being a DK you have a junk load of armor and hp with healing. Trust me, because you play DK you think rangers OP. I don't want to waste my time typing all the stuff because you won't understand either way.
  11. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    You always want to start a fight with me, dont know why .... anyway I did say and will say it again I do have a ranger and play with it pvp.
  12. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I have another question: Do you understand what you read at all?
  13. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    GOOD! Makes things easier then. Play your ranger if you think its OP and quit whining. Trust me, your ranger must be low level and not 45. If you have a 45 ranger with good stats why not use it? Maybe you suck at it?
  14. Theranger

    Theranger Someday Author

    Resistance gems are fine the way they are. And the wood wraith can be avoided. Abt the precision shot, any sw or dk with decent travel speed can avoid the precision shot, if the travel speed is decently used. Each class has their pros and cons.
  15. Khoainong

    Khoainong Someday Author

    I'm a AKOTO dwarf (with no mentor bonus), and I got the hell dog mount. Well,it's true that iron dwarf can be OP in carrying the flag, but there are ways to stop a dwarf. I'm not gonna tell you how though.

    P/S: It is pointless to nerf a Dwarf at the moment :)

    And the 'fab' guy, I know him on Tegan server. A guy who calls others 'noob' when they win him, also when he wins others :D
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2014
  16. fab

    fab Advanced

    For this guy by the khoa is pretty lame which i can say, their guild is all up to playing dirty all the way and call names once u got them or something.
    Now what next khoa, since u cant get me alone so u team up ur guild and get me.
    LOL !
  17. Firefly

    Firefly Active Author

    people seem to forget that this is a bug when they argue not to change this??
    Yes it is very poor skill and the poor swinging tree doesnt never hit almost anyone but still... this is a bug that should be fixed.
    And rangers imagine if mages freezing wind would still left you chilled/slowed when u use debuff to remove all the negative effects... would that be just wrong??? this is kinda same thing..
  18. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    If you read the first page you'll see wood wraith is not a bug.
  19. yzm5508512

    yzm5508512 Someday Author

    ppl keep complaining the 1min CD tree skill from ranger which hardly touch opponent,but not much about the 0 CD 0 consume ice bolt from mage which freezes DK no matter what. lol
  20. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    No it is not a bug. If you go to Blackborg map you will notice that even in PVE you can not revert that slow down.
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