Ranger's Wood Wraith slowing effect & pvp talents

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Goat, Jan 9, 2014.

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  1. Firefly

    Firefly Active Author

    Where?? i dont see official statement... only see other rangers saying that they heard its not a bug.. only poor rangers making rumors imo :)
    its ok that the tree slows you down BUT if a skill says that you are IMMUNE TO/REMOVES ALL NEGATIVE EFFECTS that should probably happen when you use that skill, right? or do you think that if you are slowed 80% and marked that that arent negative somehow???

    When the skills says that it cannot be removed or/and they fix the debuffing text saying it removes everything else negative except the tree hit im ok with this otherwise it's a bug imo.
  2. yzm5508512

    yzm5508512 Someday Author

    armour break isn't really break armour,so it is a bug because it is not accordance with the description? In the end u just don't like ranger, nothing to do with the actual effect and skill description.
  3. Firefly

    Firefly Active Author

    you just dont know when to quit.. and you are going offtopic(coz this is wooden wrath bug thread) and are just smashing your mouth... i know if you have some advantage its hard let it go even when it would be bug.

    But if the armour break (DK's or mages don't know which one) is somehow bug according to you start new thread showing some proof and not just throw words that comes in your mind :)
  4. yzm5508512

    yzm5508512 Someday Author

    i don't use wooden wrath talent, changing it or not is not my concern,i just curious about ur way of judging bug: offical statment
    I was just talking about something that wouldn't appear in offical statment.u just need to find out in game,like wooden wrath/frozen wind/ice bolt/nova slow dragon skin warrior,all armour break is dmg amplifier etc.
  5. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    In another thread, one of the mods checked with the developers and was told the slow down effect of wood wraith is intentional even when the target is protected by Dragonhide. That's as close to official word as I can imagine, so I deal with it even though I don't like it.
  6. Khoainong

    Khoainong Someday Author

    Lol arent you the one who lose in 5v5 all the time and only come in when there are $$ players on your side?
    About 'the calling name', isnt it you who pm people and insult them first, and start the girl-fight of insulting :))?
    And why do i need to kill you, 5v5 isnt about killing :D
  7. fab

    fab Advanced

    What a joke, stop crying when u cant even defend urself against me so i dont have a chance to call u a noob ?
    The stupid guild of yours is nothing else but a bunch of sore losers , only pm people when got EDIT by people.
    Only stoop to low levels by using essence and whole bunch of buffs in order to win, take EDIT for example.
    Fyi, battles in 5v5 is randomly selected by the system.
    Dont try to act like a smart dude if u doesnt know their system works.
    It can be a favour or unfavoured, fyi.
    Maybe u can use a bunch of essence and buffs in order to get me , whether in 1v1- 5v5.
    Your guild is nothing , but just a bunch sore losers whining here and there.
    Oh hahahaah,ur guild rangers likes to use alot of hp pots too besides buffs.
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 12, 2014
  8. Khoainong

    Khoainong Someday Author

    -Are you crying because you not rich like EDIT? :)) Most of us dont have $$ to even buy VIP like you :), are you talking about that 3' 32 dam buff? o_O
    -Pvp matching is random, but there are ways to anticipate your teammates. Are you talking about you cant use your brain? lol lol
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 12, 2014
  9. fab

    fab Advanced

    Using red , buffs and pots is really making people laugh as i mention in my earlier quote.
    Everyone knows that in the server and people is talking about ur guild people n u guys thought u are great, bunch of sore losers:eek:
    But 1 thing or sure ur soul guild sucks really bad and stoop to whatever they can to win.
    Funny thing is using premium or not is my own business, did i use ur money or something. Lmao
    Fyi, i dont do senseless thing like u guys do.
    If u cant lose a match , complain it to Bp thats all i can help u
    Damn talking to a person like u is really waste of my time and effort
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 12, 2014
  10. Khoainong

    Khoainong Someday Author

    Only 1 more word for stubborn noob like you :D Proof? lol lol. EDIT is the only one using buff, so top using him as your lame excuse o_O any others?
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 12, 2014
  11. Melethainiel

    Melethainiel Team Leader Team Drakensang Online

    Please, keep this thread on topic and polite. Also, don't mention names.
    Thank you.
  12. fab

    fab Advanced

    Obviously a big noob over here in the forum, hahahahaahah.
    Proof ?
    Ask around in the tegan and see how many will reply a big YES, u will be surprise.
    Why deny when everything i say is true :D
    Even with u guild mates usiung red ess, too bad they still got EDIT kicked.
    What a waste of essence and stuff;)
    That quite sad for u and ur guild mates.
    Oh,hahahah pls dun get burn when u saw me:)

    Someone started the name calling , i just returning the favour
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 12, 2014
  13. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Last warning @fab .
    Keep it on topic and refrain from bad language.
  14. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    you should get out more, maybe you will not be so angry all the time. :) just a friendly advice same for trakilaki. :)

    Now hope they fix bug with wood wrath when dragon hide / unstopable in effect
  15. soxx101

    soxx101 Forum Connoisseur

    little kids throwing their toys out the pram again lol... you all make me laugh thnx lol....
    Master0fpuppets likes this.
  16. Melethainiel

    Melethainiel Team Leader Team Drakensang Online

    @Master0fpuppets , reporting system is for abusive post that are breaking rules. Abusing this system is not allowed. Please keep on mind that having a different opinions does not constitute abuse.
    Thank you.
  17. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    well .... no offence but I know that you had a discusion about me :p :D you will not admite it but he was very rude and he did insolt me more then once, I did try to be nice to him but he is just bad manerd, very rude and full of hate so i moved on. :p

    Question: Is there going to be a fix for wood wrath bug in arena anytime soon?
  18. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Thanks for the advice .... I appreciate it :D

    What word in "it is not a bug" is confusing you?
    NightWalker likes this.
  19. Melethainiel

    Melethainiel Team Leader Team Drakensang Online

    This thread has gone a way off of topic. Closing.
    NightWalker, sper009 and _Baragain_ like this.
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