Realm Fragment Drop Rate

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -LordZod-, Mar 30, 2014.

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  1. -LordZod-

    -LordZod- Forum Apprentice

    Perhaps it is just me, since I have only recently started farming for the New Moon Event, but has anyone else noticed a dramatic decrease in the Realm Frag drop rate?? I remember that I use to get about 7 frags a run in Gleaming Mountains. The last few times that I have run it, I was lucky if I got one. Is this something that I've just noticed or has it been going on for a while??


  2. Hartvig

    Hartvig Forum Inhabitant

    I haven´t noticed anything about their droprate, but it wouldn´t surprise me if BP decreased their droprate after already increasing the cost to 7 instead of 5. They want us to buy the damn portals, or farm 25/8... I don´t have problems getting them if i just farm PW like i normal do... You get them while you do other things.
  3. jthames

    jthames Advanced

    I currently have 1000+ Realm Frags that I've picked up so they seem to be plentiful to me. Wait!! Perhaps that's merely a barometer or reflection of my (dis)interest in the Moon events:). I know, beating a dead horse here and I apologize for hijacking your thread, Sorry.
  4. Lighting

    Lighting Forum Apprentice

    Yes, the drop rate is lowered. I have trouble finding them now. Used to have 700 or more..
  5. jozo91

    jozo91 Active Author

    i have collected over 1k fragments before so i just collect them if they drop
  6. perrush

    perrush Active Author

    droprate is definetely too low to farm enough to participe and complete every moon event ... ... except for botters, they have enough fragments, silver ess and wood for all of us together.

    I have said it and will do it again. Because of such things as lowering realm fragments droprate, BP encourage players to start using bot. Lowering that droprate punishes to honest player and doesn't effect botters at all. --> wrong choice. Finally honest players will leave
    Kasherinae and moby31 like this.
  7. jozo91

    jozo91 Active Author

    yep thats true because of botters players will leave like they did with anders drop where you now get 1 ander
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