Realm Fragments

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by AnnaConda, Jul 16, 2017.

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  1. AnnaConda

    AnnaConda Someday Author

    I can't transfer RFs to either my character's possessions or to storage. Is this a mac problem? Or will transfers take place automatically when a limit is passed?
  2. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Did you check the currency bag? I'm not exactly sure if you are talking about picking up realm frags or transferring them to the new currency bag feature.
  3. Audriukaas

    Audriukaas Forum Apprentice

    Click on it right mouse button.
  4. AnnaConda

    AnnaConda Someday Author

    I can open the currency bag but can't access any of its contents. Realm Fragments, for example. I've got 41 so far. Its not a big problem as I have already saved hundreds of RFs from the time when they were in my character possessions. I'm going to assume the currency bag can't be accessed so won't count on RFs being collected in future.
  5. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    Everything in the currency bag is used with npc's or with a dialog box (like upgrading) so you do not need to access them directly. From now on the items in the bag are auto-added and counted. The exception being Draken that ends up in inventory (r-clk to add.)

    Luck be with ye,
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