Release 120 Feedback

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Callisto, Feb 25, 2014.

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  1. No, if you reread what I said, it was already taken care of. For the past couple of months, you could not get white drops from normal mobs in PWs. Now with this patch, you won't get any from the mini-bosses on the maps either.
  2. DocHolliday

    DocHolliday Forum Apprentice

    Well, once again, lets "fix" something and introduce new bugs... The new chat is broke. I cannot chat to anyone. and was just in a 3v3, which was actually balanced, but after it was 2-2, the blue group (not my group) won automatically. Really nice. good job guys.
  3. ZmajodBosne

    ZmajodBosne Active Author

    Everyone got a free premium trial a while back when it came into game?

    I don't got it, and don't know anyone who got free premium trial when it came into game.
  4. bigfoot_pi

    bigfoot_pi Someday Author

    I never got free premium or my brother and we been playing since before premium accounts existed

    ps- Bug????
    NEW MOON drops lvl40 uniques even though im lvl45???? I am not going to waste COTs on this till devs respond. both me and brother just got unique drops and they were only lvl40 and we are both lvl45 characters
  5. Biztart

    Biztart Exceptional Talent

    Only new accounts created after R120 will receive a Premium bonus trial. This update does not affect those who already have an account.

    New Moon drop ... explained here.

    For chat issues, try pausing for one moment before sending in the text. That should help for the time being.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2014
  6. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    First time I saw a dye sale. Someone forgot that dyes got moved to a separate merchant, so when you click the big "Shop" button on the event notification, it still sends to the Trader. :p
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