Release 132 [FEEDBACK]

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Allogeneous, Aug 11, 2014.

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  1. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Or for game fairs.
  2. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    Lag, bigger lag then screen freeze and then I quit Drakensang Online. You don't do stuff that need's to be done, like reduce lag, optimize game, fix anoying bug ect. Fine, don't. I'll just go play something else couse am tierd of promises how you gonna improve and fix bug buy it never gets done. Good bye!
    steelfox1973 likes this.
  3. Warmaster666

    Warmaster666 Forum Apprentice

    Dudes, chill. Best update ever, for real. Devs listen to the players. Everyone wanted new front page, and new start area or something. And... destructible objects. And what was the crap about lvl 8? Everyone wanted more lvl limitations, like the new areas restricted to people lvl 39+. DSO players really enjoy the restrictions :D Keep up the great work :confused:

    P.S.: nobody wants fixed bugs, and balanced PvP and better loot. Devs, just relax, take a road trip, everything's cool. :cool:
    trakilaki, VMmage and Multi-Sev like this.
  4. b0sse

    b0sse Forum Apprentice

    I haven't played the game in awhile, but when I logged in to play today on this new patch, the game looks different.
    For some reason, it seems like everything in-game is zoomed in way to close, so you can't really see very well your surroundings.
    And I don't remember it being like this before.
    soxx101 likes this.
  5. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    I agree 100%... Well, that is, while I don't AGREE per se---I agree with the sentiment that was intended (the sarcastic part).
    VMmage likes this.
  6. VMmage

    VMmage Someday Author

    Oh, and that Facebook page post that claims to have fixed the Nebula abort? Maybe for that specific instance, but after the latest hotfix was applied, I got a Nebula abort while performing the preload download (that's right, friends, not even while playing the game). No, I didn't capture the error text, I'm a player, not a play tester.
  7. Sayaa

    Sayaa Advanced

    Nonsense they have a time to do nice style-upgrades but no-time for even small events.
    Look at events list:

    1->Full Moon Event [AUG]
    2->New Moon Event [JULY]
    Gnob //Not an event
    1->Full Moon Event[July]
    The Rise of Dragan - Curse of the Black Knights
    2->New Moon Event [June]
    1->Full Moon Event (june)!
    2->New Moon Event[May]
    Gnob – The Event Merchant in Kingshill [May] //Not an event
    1->Full Moon Event [May]
    2->New Moon Event [April]
    Event Guide & FAQ : Terrifying Shadows
    1->Full Moon Event [April]
    2->New Moon Event [New Items]
    1->Full Moon Event [March]
    Invasion of Kingshill
    2->New Moon [March]
    1->Full Moon Event [February]

    Full/New vomit alert :/
    -morg1990-20 likes this.
  8. Gamer110

    Gamer110 Forum Greenhorn

    I got new error that says Failed to download critical file but im not sure its the same as the nebula errors but it might be. it says you might have to install the game but I have always played it in browser and I wont to keep doing so. And around the middle it sais it is used for Drakensang developers in debugging purposes and I cannot play now:( can someone please help me with this???


    whole message says : An error occurred while downloading important game data. You can restart the game at any time though.

    To improve your gaming experience we recommend downloading the whole game by using the game client and its preload function.

    The following error message is used by Drakensang developers for debugging purposes:

    Failed downloading a critical file (HTTP response error)!

    HttpStatus=1001 Desc=couldn't connect to host

    File URL:

    There may be a problem with your internet connection. Please try again in a few minutes.

    Yet, my internet connection is fine right now:l
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 21, 2014
  9. -HARRA81-

    -HARRA81- Forum Mogul

    I liked the new graphics, I hope to see them soon in whole game world :D
    Also new paralel would be nice :p These days I'm spending most of my time waiting battle in Kingshil.... I do not find end game interesting anymore
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