Release 139 [Feedback]

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Nov 13, 2014.

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  1. -HARRA81-

    -HARRA81- Forum Mogul

    I don't like +25% fame for Premium users. o_O
    Trailboss1, stasis and Rev like this.
  2. Rev

    Rev Active Author

    +25% fame + mentor bonus ._.
    -HARRA81- likes this.
  3. Duriastriker

    Duriastriker Forum Inhabitant

    I like it, curious when this will go live, anybody know?


    33 legens I need ID'd xD
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 15, 2014
  4. babaroga

    babaroga Someday Author

    Please fix the bug in release138.7 and dont update the game more! For more information check the game........................
  5. vojza

    vojza Board Analyst

    Probably next week, but no one knows
  6. bloodyneo

    bloodyneo Forum Master

    if crafting is expensive you will loose what left of those f2p players
    i guess legendary crafting should cost 5 gold max depending on level of the items and target crafting should be known before the craft process since its not for free anymore
  7. DemotioN

    DemotioN Forum Apprentice


    ZIDROS Forum Apprentice

    Removing COTs sounds good BUT BP needs to make money on the game so if they compensate for this on something else then it may be more of a hustle than collecting COTs.
    When exchange of COTs with andermand happens , do we get ander for all our characters? cause when ander pots merged i lost quite a few ander. Will it be a fair trade this time?
    Also collecting Gold is not easy for big amounts (like collecting 1000 for cloak). So for this to work, gold costs must be manageable. Otherwise the whole idea of removing COTs for a better game flow will be void.
    Slotharingia likes this.
  9. Yash786

    Yash786 Forum Apprentice

    We will never have a complete balance between F2P and P2P. But these moves IMHO take away some of the inherent advantages P2P held before.[/QUOTE]

    Well if they actually provide a balance in F2P and P2P and no one will pay.... so P2P will always have advantage over F2P :p
    Slotharingia likes this.
  10. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    They are increasing the coin payout and how much gold you get for an item. So the Gold for the workbench should compensate.
  11. chaosishere1

    chaosishere1 Forum Greenhorn

    ive farmed so many items for this :O , crafting right now s i wont have to play later
  12. jeffzrx

    jeffzrx Regular

    overall 139 may be beneficial to the health of the game.....see how it goes

    the cot thing will probably attract more f2p'ers some of who will become p2p'ers which is good for the game

    the 25% more honour points will help new p2p'ers get to 40...i see a few people struggling right now as competition is a lot more intense than it used to good for game

    buying the cot back at only half price seems a bit off & maybe should be reconsidered

    139 is obviously a major effort to get & keep more players....the game is a business after all
    Slotharingia likes this.
  13. vixmax

    vixmax Someday Author

    these changes look amazing, excellent work :)
  14. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Fwiw, people who spent their anders on cots most likely used them. The people with stacks of cots probably farmed them. I can understand the 2 anders for every 1 farmed cot price; i had farmed over 40K for my 2 characters in anticipation of level 50 items.

    If you bought COTs (either with farmed anders or purchased anders) and stashed them, well, I don't know why you did that. But you might want to send in a ticket.
  15. soxx101

    soxx101 Forum Connoisseur

    when is this update taking place?
  16. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    Got my reply from support. Basically it was a big EDIT you, this is what we are doing and you do not have any rights as a player to ask for fair recompensation. Further patchnotes will explain in detail patch 139. But we hope you still will play our game even though we refuse to work with players who are getting blatantly ripped off from us. Thank you and have a nice day!
    VMmage and Slotharingia like this.
  17. _G_R_A_M_P_S_

    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ Old Hand

    Yep, the usual response. These guys jobs either suck cause they are limited with what they are allowed to do, or they re just huge sadists who love to tell people they cant be helped and watch them suffer from bugs and rip-offs.
  18. @multitoonz Support volunteers do not set the compensation rate. They have no control/influence over what the compensation is. Their role is to assist players with technical/game related issues. Not make policy. If you have an issue with Support, contact them and state your concern in a civil manner. Or contact central BP.
  19. @_G_R_A_M_P_S_ See my reply above. Also, if you consider your customer service skills to be superior to that of the current volunteer Support workers, feel free to send in your résumé.
    Trailboss1 likes this.
  20. cogix

    cogix Regular

    Personally I like those new changes, even in my mind there are same doubts about how much will cost to craft or if for premium ppl will still be free to travel.
    what I would really like in this game is the possibility to "trade" items from player to player... even with price.
    I know this is something that probably will never happen, but I heard many people that would like such
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