Feedback Release 144

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Feb 10, 2015.

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  1. crazyelli

    crazyelli Junior Expert

    I like that you are making pvp with green ess only,, but what about those that use Buffs and potions,, thoses should also be banned from the pvp in arena
    Hannai likes this.
  2. Teleportist

    Teleportist Advanced

    +1 from me.

    It may seem like a small thing to others, but I'm really looking forward to the new loot drop colours. I sometimes found drops hard to see in certain maps. Blackborg in particular. Looking at the artwork in the patch notes, their will be no chance of missing uniuest now. But I do worry that some of the new glow colours may make certain drops almost invisible in certain maps. We shall see.
  3. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    Do not worry, all is fine with the colored drop, I tested it on grassy maps, among others and all is in perfect order, you will see the drop.
  4. ToshiBoy

    ToshiBoy Someday Author

    starting to wonder if you are actually playing the game... removing essences is not going to make any change to PvP... wish you would actually go into the arena and have a look... Check out some of the YouTube videos and watch those battles.... it's just like you guys don't WANT to fix PvP.
  5. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    It was deleted by mistake. My apologies.

    Read this thread. You can send your moderator's application. If you become a forum moderator you can do your moderator's duty however you think it is appropriate, within the forum rules. Until then do not interfere moderators duty.

    @.Baraba. and all other users
    This is a feedback thread for R144. Release 144 is not live until tomorrow. Because this thread is opened before the actual release went to live servers does not mean you have to give feedback for something that you are not familiar with. If you have not played on TS then it would be more appropriate to hold on until this release goes live. Then you can have your chance to express your thoughts and give a constructive feedback, instead of assuming, guessing and speculating beforehand.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2015
  6. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    Some new aesthetic changes look good and group finder is not bad. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE buff crit value on belt, adorn, rings back up so old players are not OP with low level. PLEASE! Big game issue here -_-
  7. Bearer-of-Death

    Bearer-of-Death Exceptional Talent

    I like the "disable group inv" + the glow on colored gear, it prevents me from using crtl all the time.

    I dislike the almost invisible look of coins, they are very hard to see (especially when played with low graphics).
    The coins have lost their white glow and their colour is very dim.

    Also, the gems lost their glow too and makes it very hard to find them, if they're behind a column or statue that doesn't become transparent when we approach it.

    Tell the dev team to change the colour of coins to a strong "copper" colour.
    As for the gems reinstate the wide glow, so we can see them when they are behind obstacles.

    That's all for now!!!
    Jettemee likes this.
  8. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    After exiting a group I cant see any groups in area, but I see then on regular chat. This is probably a bug with 144.
  9. .Baraba.

    .Baraba. Advanced

    Group option is great.... just wish it was working. Now I can see any group and when Im inv and except inv nothing happends.
  10. hellovineet

    hellovineet Forum Greenhorn

    I encountered an issue with the group. I am DK with name thestinkyjoker. I thought of trying this new group feature. So I went to the group tab and can see all the groups and their members on hovering the group name.

    Wonderful....Now, I created the group named Grotto and after creation I now can see only my group as expected....

    So far so good. Now thanks to my fluctuating connection (started recently) I got disconnected and connected back. But now, I am no longer inside my group but I can see all the groups as initially and my group too. Interestingly I am no longer in control of my group also and i can see it as one of the group. Also neither can i join any group nor can i delete my group nor i can create another group.

    here is the screenshot


    UPDATE:- I get control of my group back on changing map.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2015
  11. fourtwenty68

    fourtwenty68 Board Analyst

    idk,but typing map2 +3 is still easier than this group thingy,theres still not enough info and looking for a map is should be easy to read when you open it,like let us write (map2) (i know we can but).instead of whos the group leader and what planet there in Green up top what group is,not invisible.

    and yes coins r invisible,still need gold drops!!!

    but seeing a leg glow makes me happy lol.
  12. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    New graphics for drops are fantastic. Great colors and accents, reallly appealing.
    The coins stand out too, like you don't have to bend over to pick them up. LOL

    The graphics have changed since the first few hours after the release.
    Now the coins are dull, and can get lost in shadows or corners. They need to be brighter.

    The lock picks look like brown shoulder purses. They have no contrast to the brown dirt or sand, and get overlooked as well.
    How about a nice metal color, at least. A pick could be on a ring, or have a large handle, to be visible.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2015
    rpfo likes this.
  13. Spotty

    Spotty Forum Greenhorn

    What have you done to the dwarf? The cool down/fire rate for heavy shot skill when using mechanical turret is messed up, this has spoiled pve for me as this is how i usually play.

    There's also a bug on the guild renaming option in the guild settings menu. When attempting to change guild name using the 50 silver option or the 1000 andermant option it's saying that there are insufficient funds when i have over 2k gold and over 2k ander (i don't know if the guild name im trying to change to is available). I like the gem colour change but want the glow back and coins are sometimes hard to spot now.

    BIG thumbs down from me for 144 :(
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2015
    Smegger likes this.
  14. rpfo

    rpfo Padavan

    Well , the colors on drops are completely awesome. The new group though is not so useful but is good too. I can say for the very first time i see a new release that didnt take anything from players but add up something :D. As an 8 months player i see drops decrease , i see enchants decrease , maps being blocked , bugs and all that stuff everybody know. This is the first one that is from our side and not from BP side. Hope new ones like that! :D congrats
  15. Hellcat54

    Hellcat54 Forum Greenhorn

    Hi. Gru Here:)

    I don't know if any other SM noticed this but our Heavy shot has been reduced. When I set up both of my torrents I am not getting the same speed as I was before the new release. Its been cut in half:( Makes it harder now to solo ( HOD ) our to help on main bosses (Khaly, Mortis, Destructor):(( Please put this back!!!!
  16. Smegger

    Smegger Forum Greenhorn

    Nice to have better graphic for things but what have you done with the cool down on the dwarf's triple shot while using a mechanical turret???? Instead of removing 1 sec of cool down after each hit from turret like its meant to it appears to remove random amounts, it just don't work as it has since the dwarf was added to game, please fix this BUG!!
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2015
  17. munjen

    munjen Forum Apprentice

    thumbs up for this patch great job,you are going in right direction respect
  18. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    At first peak, the new color identifying thing works okay if you are close to the drop, but not all that great from a distance unless you hit ctrl or move your mouse over the item.. Luckily I am used to hitting the ctrl button out of habit or I could have easily missed the new color highlight.

  19. rpfo

    rpfo Padavan

    Dont want to question the developers , but when they developed the group feature, did they consider the offline groups? Right now , in the OOB atrium there is about 7 groups with 1 player and this player is offline.
    1 - Why a player will have to search for an offline group?
    2 - Will this offline groups be cleaned from time to time? - I really hope so (not all players play on daily basis)
    If this list don't have a hidden tool for auto-cleaning , soon there will be tons of useless groups listed
    3 - Considering this bad scenario, the bigger the list , the bigger data to download and update our group lists , the bigger the data , the bigger the memory used , the bigger the chances of slowing clients and browsers .
    Jettemee and Darwarren like this.
  20. [whoknows]

    [whoknows] Forum Greenhorn

    Since this update I have been unable to enter the same instance of some dungeons as other players in my party. For example, i can enter prison of souls, liar's lair and khalys with my party perfectly fine but for some reason Eternal Grove sends us to completely different instances. I'm not sure about the specifics of this problem since I have only tried these dungeons so far. Also my party only consists of me and one other person so i don't know how this will effect larger parties.

    Is anyone else suffering the same problem?
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2015
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