Announcement Release 146 Patchnotes

Discussion in 'Patchnotes and Maintenance' started by teddy.bear, Mar 18, 2015.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Hello Heroes,

    Release 146 brings a number of changes to item enchantments. We have also adjusted the daily challenges' rewards and fixed various issues you reported in the forum and to Support.
    LIVE SYNC, Thursday 19.03.2015


    09:00 am (CET UTC +1) start count down on all instances (30 minutes)
    09:30 am (CET UTC +1)
    start maintenance (takes at least 90 minutes)
    11:00 am (CET UTC +1)
    sync finished

    Changes to item enchantments
    Due to the community’s feedback, we decided to adjust the enchantment composition probability on certain items:
    The following changes will affect all newly found and crafted enchanted items of the rarities: improved (green), magic (blue), extraordinary (purple) and legendary (orange).​
    • We increased the chance for block rate and block amount enchantments on all defensive off-hand items
    • We increased the chance for attack speed enchantments on gloves
    • We increased the chance for movement speed enchantments on boots
    • We increased the chance for enchantments that add additional damage on helmets, shoulders, and torsos
    • We increased the chance for 10%+ Critical Damage enchantments on rings, amulets, belts, weapon adornments and off-hand offense items
    • We removed the possibility for Critical Damage enchantments on shields for Dragonknights
    Daily Challenges adjusted
    Gold reward amounts for all daily challenges have been increased by 100 % , and daily challenges that involve crafting items are no longer rewarded with gold.

    Quest: Gold Rush 4/4
    The quest King on the Wall has been reset, players can complete it once more to unlock the achievement which is linked to it.

    Bug fixes

    Leaderboards rank deleted characters
    A bug has been fixed that caused the filter “Show Friends Only” to include and rank characters in leaderboards even if those characters had been deleted.

    Deleted characters in guild lists
    Due to a complicated bug, guild member lists and ranks still included both deleted characters and characters who had purposely left the guilds. Despite having left a guild, the system was still counting ex-members as guild members, causing guilds to be unable to accept new members. Even after this fix, it is possible that the names of ex-members could reappear in your guild and friends list, but now guild masters and officers should be able to erase these “ghost members” from those lists.

    Achievement titles were not displayed on the group invite window
    Group invitations and requests to join a group now show the player's correct title. Note: please consider that if you change your title, your pending group invitations and requests to join a group might display your old title. It can take up to 5 minutes after a map change before a title change takes effect and is displayed correctly everywhere.

    Crash error fixed
    An error that caused the game to crash has been fixed.
    You can find a copy of the error message below:
    programmer says: NULL pointer access in Ptr::operator->()!
    expression: this->ptr
    file: C:\jenkins-slave\workspace\dro.stable.public_build\nebula3\code\foundation\core/ptr.h
    line: 298
    funcsig: class Game::GamePlayer *__thiscall Ptr<class Game::GamePlayer>::operator ->(void) const

    Skill Wolf Pack fixed
    A bug has been fixed that prevented the Ranger from summoning wolves if there was no walkable terrain in front of the Ranger.

    PvP talents can no longer be reset in PvP arena
    We fixed a bug that allowed defeated players to modify their Talents while the dead body of their character laid in the PvP arena.

    Character’s idle animation too fast
    A bug has been fixed that caused animations of idle characters played at double speed whenever the character entered and then re-entered a city.

    Automatic sign-up for PvP battles
    A bug has been fixed that caused numerous players were automatically signed up for PvP matches (6 vs 6: Storm the Fortress).

    Quest: Deadly Screams (2/6) Fixed
    The quest Deadly Screams (2/6) requires you to defeat three Nefertari’s Cultists. Due to a bug, one of them was spawning under the landscape, which made it impossible to attack. The monster now spawns correctly above the ground (in the eastern corner of the map Torstrond).​

    Corrected Sale Price: Mechanical Set
    The price of the "Mechanical Set" for the Ranger (available in the city of Andrakash) was increased, to match the sale prices of other classes’ sets.

    Quest: Attack of the Undead fixed
    If a player died alongside the NPC Serena in the map the Old Tomb, then the hostile NPCs who were attacking your character and NPC Serena became invincible and impossible to attack. This bug has now been fixed.​

    Item Preview in locker fixed
    When previewing items in the character’s locker (Kobold, the Protector of Treasure), the item previewer was not showing the currently equipped item, but was rather displaying the previously equipped one. This has been fixed, and now the item preview functions as intended.

    PvP Talents preventing stun effects fixed
    PvP talents which were meant to prevent your character from being stunned (such as the Spellweaver’s Liberation) have been fixed. Prior to the fix, the stun prevention was not triggered correctly if your character was interrupted by another character who was about to apply a stun effect on your character.​

    Go forth and conquer, heroes of Dracania!
    Your Drakensang Online Team