Announcement Release 150 Patchnotes

Discussion in 'Patchnotes and Maintenance' started by teddy.bear, May 22, 2015.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Dear Heroes,

    With release 150 we are implementing the brand new Dark Dwarf Heist Event (formerly known as Lost Truth/Stolen Viscanium Event). Make sure you check out the official guide to the Dark Dwarf Heist Event and visit NPC Zahir in Kinghill to see his new offers! Please find below the complete list of changes.

    New Features

    NPC Zahir offers Emotes and Costumes
    NPC Zahir (based in Kingshill) expanded his offers and no longer only selling cloaks but also a variety of Emotes and Costumes. We recommend you to pay Zahir a visit from time to time as he will have sales on his offers. An overview of Zahir’s offers can be found here: NPC Zahir's Offers

    The last two rows of the Locker can now be purchased
    You can now expand the locker by 5 spots on the IV Tab, thus completing the last two rows. Each locker expansion has a price of 2000 Andermant.


    Adjustments to the Group Finder
    The following improvements have been added to the Group Finder:​
    • The group overview does not feature the name of the group leader anymore
    • Instead, you can sort the groups by location, the level of the group leader, size and name of the group
    • When your character is already part of a group you will still be able to see the group overview, select a different group and send a request to join them. However, you will have to leave your current group first before transferring to the new group.
    • When creating a new group, you can select to hide your group and it will not be listed in the group overview
    • Already existing groups can also be hidden; simply go to the group settings and select the option to be hidden
    • When creating a new group naming the group will be mandatory, default group names are no longer created
    • your character can only receive 1 invitation request per group, you will no longer receive multiple invitations from the same group
    • Should your character be alone in a group then your character will be able to receive invitations to join other groups

    Collision Issues with Destructible Objects resolved
    All maps belonging to the Norselands have been reviewed as some destructible objects caused collision issues.The number of destructible objects has been slightly lowered to the benefit of a smoother gameplay.

    Animation of NPC Yakira fixed
    NPC Yakira (the Jeweler based in the Watery Grave) had a snap in her animation that has now been fixed.

    Sign up for PvP Matches not available after rejection of invitation
    When changing a map while having a PVP invitation dialog open lead to a wrong state, in which players were not able to sign up for PvP matches again unless they logged out and in again. This issue has been fixed. Players that change the map while having the invitation dialog open now properly reject the invitation and can sign up for PVP again.​

    Go forth and conquer, heroes of Dracania!
    Best regards,
    Your Drakensang Online Team
    Last edited: May 28, 2015
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