Feedback Release 154

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Jul 21, 2015.

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  1. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    OK this is correct. They have testers also not just us. I have seen release games have the same problem for months due to the fact they could not reproduce the problem. soo...

    This is something that would have stopped it.

    Last edited: Jul 22, 2015
  2. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    You get no drops from those because they're not worthy. If they were the level they are supposed to be, then you'd get it.
    Teleporting while in the city seems to work sometimes... though you have to be persistent, it can take a couple of recalls.
    No idea, but given that we see errors in the TS that make it through to the live servers really says something. What's the purpose of a "Test" Server if they're just gonna ignore the feedback from it? It would have been much better for the event to be delayed a little while they fixed it than how we got it.
    I see. Though you'd think that such a major bug would be important enough for them to postpone the event so as to deliver it clean. Yes, that would've not been too pleasant to hear about either, but compared to this, it would've been the lesser evil. Also, people who got the free 3-day Premium are now wasting it due to the game being unplayable.
  3. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    1. Find fantasy world, governed by demons and idiots.
    2. Throw in mix of crafty, weasel programmers. Let them plug in lines of quick fixes in random, untraceable code locations.
    3. Let other programmers cut and paste their way to "miracle worker" status on "new" projects.
    4. Dis-avow any managerial responsibility. Offer raises and perks instead, for increasing player feedback.
    5. Tell distributors product is "where is, as is, and in the condition found. Take it, or leave it."

    Lucky for us, that could never happen here.
    Dragonnns and lewcar like this.
  4. .Ptrick

    .Ptrick Forum Greenhorn

    Hotfix applied but no change to the behaviour of NPCs - it is still impossible to interact with them - this is account number 2 that I have tried it on.
  5. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

  6. Wiggles

    Wiggles Active Author

    They was all at gamescon

    Give them a few days and they will be back in the groove, K
    Darwarren and Dragenstein like this.
  7. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    Gamescom has not happend...
    Cologne, 05.-09.08.2015
    for everyone: 06.-09.08.2015
  8. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    Things kinda fell off last year before Gamescom time. They sure hit a rough spot this year. Gamescom must take so much planning and preparation!

    Wikipedia tells us about Drakensang Online:
    "It was frequently been cited as one of the best new browser MMOs upon release. Drakensang Online got awarded with the German Developer Prize 2011 as best German role-playing game.[9] In May 2012 Drakensang Online was awarded as "Best browser game" within the German Computer Games Award 2012 and got valued as an "outstanding German game production".[10]"
    That seems like eons ago, and a very long fall from grace. So many of us hope DSO can recover.
    lewcar likes this.
  9. lewcar

    lewcar Padavan

    The most disappointing thing for mine is that since this little bug has taken a week to fix it's likely to push release 155 back another week..
    Hopefully wrong
  10. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    The funny thing is that it was happening on the test server too. BP's QA folks should be fired for letting such a blatant and wide spread bug through. Seriously! I can understand little bugs that only happen under odd circumstances that some lucky, random player stumbles across, but this release... I think the guy in the Netherlands CM thread said it best...

    Darwarren likes this.
  11. edrogers56

    edrogers56 Forum Greenhorn

    If this was a Mortis bug when he is easy to kill how fast would this be fixed ?
    If Andermant was falling plentiful in one map and word got out how quick would they fix it ?
    Seems to me if bug.point only fixes things that loose them money or make it easier for the players
    With this NPC bug the players are frustrated both old and new
    Seems to me like bug.point don't give a crap about there players in reality there customers
    Bad customer service leads to customers leaving leads to no business leads to Bug.point closing
  12. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    We know poor service should reduce revenue, it's basic economics. The other side of the balance sheet is costs. Are they skimping on some items, or just gouging DSO because they can. Too bad BigPoint's Financial records are not easy or free access.
    For all we know, sticking it to their customers could be part of their business plan? They sure did take a lot of heat when the game was first released. LOL on us.
    As to the QA guy taking the beating, he could be the whipping boy, if the Production Manager calls the shots. Surely an executioner can be found for everyone involved. ;)
    _Baragain_ likes this.