Feedback Release 155 (Rise of Balor)

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Aug 26, 2015.

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  1. wizzo90

    wizzo90 Junior Expert

    About twinking in R155:

    I dont know what the producers stand is about twinking. I thought low lvl PVP players that feed on the new players were not welcome anymore.

    But with R155 a new door has been opend for them.
    Now they can just stay low level on experience but grind for wisdom to get all the boni. So one can create a level 10 mage with +25% run speed and +50% damage. Combine that with the new fame bonuses and you have an unbeatable opponent in its class.

    My suggestion is to limit the wisdom level by the experience level. This way you solve the problem before it is really starting to show.

    Some texts in the english version are still german.
    Kaylin(?) speaks german in Agathon Alliance Hall. "Fleischkammer" is german. Some normal monsters still have german names.

    The crit mechanics on 2handed swords are broken. There is a white line with crit and an entchantment line with crit, but only one is having an affect. So 700+700= 700
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2015
    Dragonnns likes this.
  2. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Not a bug. The one is shown as a stat, but it is only reflecting the enchantment below. This is sort of like RA's Quivers, SW's Books, and SM's Tools. If you get crit on one of those items, it adds it to the main stat line to display the total. This is easier to see on the 1H and 2H axes which have a crit line by default (White items have it). There, the white line shows the base crit plus any crit lines that you get from enchantments all added together.
  3. ItHurtsWhenIP

    ItHurtsWhenIP Forum Apprentice

    Could someone tell me why longbows are still in the game?

    I see no advantage at all to even carry one....

  4. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    What are the stats on the bows?
  5. papartz05

    papartz05 Forum Greenhorn

    quest in the new map called saving the world 1/3 is not working can you fix this bug please im stuck in here
  6. Hannai

    Hannai Someday Author

    Same for me. Also I can't send in a ticket to support, it just crashes out. Also cloak of power quest is bugged, I just got the first one on my low level and now quest has disappeared. I can see cloak in my inventory but on map.. no cloak on my toon.
  7. ItHurtsWhenIP

    ItHurtsWhenIP Forum Apprentice

    Well if you want to know:
    short bow is 355,8 DPS with 1,26 speed /Lehaine
    longbow is 393,7 DPS with 0,83 speed / has only damage and %damage in it

    But my problem is not only damage wise, its their usability.

    Short bow is fast, finishes the animations quick, so i can run away from the missiles and even from meele attacks. I can charge my concentration with the stab faster and move to safer spot. Even if i check my legendary shortbow i come out with higher damage than i have with shortbow, and higher speed than i have with longbow and the character is still more stable than with the longbow.

    Damagewise they are almost the same, Which actually make the longbow unpreferred, not to menton its speed. I cant move until it finishes the animations, i always get 3-4 more hits in til i can make a step than with the short one. This means I die 3-4 times more than i do with short bows. And to rise up its speed to be competent to the short one i must have 50% more speed in stones. Which actually kicks out the Rubys and so i end up even less damage than before.
    Its just worthless, not worth to use above lvl40.

    I could look for a longbow with speed increase in it, but its speed still wouldnt be close to the short ones eventhough their DPS would be around the same since it would take away the damage options.
    Its the speed that counts and not the pure damage that DPS wise means no difference between the two....
  8. wizzo90

    wizzo90 Junior Expert

    I am happy BP does not design cars. Thanks!

    -Running on lvl 50 in m2 gets you 2 kinds of green essence instead of one and lvl 49 as well as lvl 50 items. Pretty annoying for crafting.

    -Please fix the quest "saving the world heart" 1/x. The number of x cannot not be displayed btw, well done. Also I cannot place the jade dagger, so no more questline for me and others. This is not listed in the upcoming patch btw.

    A very old bug is back. Some items dont show theirs stats until you put them on.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2015
    jayr3d likes this.
  9. crazyelli

    crazyelli Junior Expert

    Well for the sake of fair play they have ruined the game,,,i will start looking for another game to play that wont take away things you have worked hard for,, and change the rule/game play mid stream.........
  10. jayr3d

    jayr3d Regular

    lol drastic changes kinda made a great game absolute
    crazyelli likes this.
  11. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Plus, it is easy to compare a crappy hit from one with a nice hit from the other. Try a video of each so we can see the average DPS..
  12. Zamvel7

    Zamvel7 Active Author

    let's hope for the best,

    i know that if my gear goes to 50+ i will go back to be a normal dk, but the problem is amount of gops i will need to do so, so saying that it would be cool if pinks instead of giving 2100 (lvl 50) give 3000-4000, even so we will have to farm months but it would be a nice gesture.

    i cant speak for the other classes, but in my opinion the real problem with dk at least for 2h is the cut for crit (i hope i can upgrade my gear to lvl 50 and wait to get back to 45-50%) but mostly it is the fact that our rage sphere fills slower than before, and a lot of players had spoke about it, dk are meeles and we need our skills to cure our selves and then hit..... HoD and the previous maps are ok,...tougher but ok, at the beginning with the new maps (also i must say the look so cool!!!! and they dont hurt my eyes like pw POS or CAVE) my problem was while i faced the scorpions and the sound dragons, yeah i died a lot the first 2 days, but then i just moved like i was doing on HoD, i stopped dying but let's be honest those damn dragons are hard for dk since they suck our rage, (i dont play the other classes except for a SM but he hasnt gone that far, so i dont know the effect on other chars).

    what i want to say, and taking as basis the last paragraph, the changes could had brought us good in theory, you just need to realize that we players dont want to be noobs again, dying all around, feeling squishy like a 40 player, in the case of dks you could boost our crit and take back the passive of addictive to revenge without messing with what you have achived,

    i really want to keep playing dso,
  13. ItHurtsWhenIP

    ItHurtsWhenIP Forum Apprentice

    Its true, damages between the minimal and the maximal values may show twisted results, but i made an another shot (forgive me im not a videorecorder, never used any of them) and it resulted in getting a minimal -maximal around 1180-1460 with the longbow, but due to the slight more damage its still slow and the character gets much more hits... And its an important fact to chose the faster. The short bow hits crits between 998-1080.
    The average is with long 1320, and with short 1039 which shows only a 27% difference in damage increase while their speed difference is around 59% (2,15/1,35).

  14. Shiladitya

    Shiladitya Padavan

    With the current balance Sw and steammechs getting infinite damage, if crit rate is repaired to its original state, without changing things in either the 2h weapons of those classes or the defence of dks' then the only thing dks(1h or 2h) would be good for anymore is pve :p in arena.............. they would be as good as 1shotted sandbags. DSO has already made a series of changes which affect each other. The only way to recover is to either go back to the old system or the devs do something truely ingenious to make things normal until they figure out how to restore sanity. For me i have already started exploring options. Not much hope for DSO to get bck to its former golden days. LOL I would be sad and amused if they released guild battles before fixing this mess, that would be the final leg in the grave.
  15. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    I admit to liking the shortbow better; it feels better to fire fast and it looks cooler:D. But I am being swayed by experimentation. Consider this:

    You made a 1 for 1 comparison between the two bows. 1 hit = x damage by both bows and then the speed of the shortbow offsets the extra damage of the longbow and gives you more maneuverability. As a continued source of damage they may wash out and you get other benefits from the shortbow. All valid statements.

    Now consider this: There is another benefit the new 20% reduction allows.

    Look at some of the new mobs like the Corrupted defenders and the Elite Orbax, and some of the old ones like HOD knights and consider another way of looking at damage. Those mobs have a decent amount of health for recurring dungeon mobs. How much damage can you burst with each bow in a short amount of time to take them down before they can do damage.

    I have been experimenting with the concentration bonus skill. With a long bow, concentration skill, a Ring of Fortitude, and 2 of the concentration jewels in the hat my Concentration is at 168. Which means I can burst 3 Explosive shots, adrenaline and another 3 shots in a total time of about 5 seconds. For me with a 45% crit rate (farm setup) that's 140k-180k damage in 5 seconds with a crappy longbow, no ess, and can repeat every time adrenaline cools down. Not to mention the 8 continuous seconds of armor break for the rest of the group. God forbid I find a high damage LB. Most mobs don't last through the full sequence now.

    Side note: I ran a similar set-up against Balor but with a shortbow. I didn't trust my skill and maneuverability with the longbow since I'm inexperienced with using it and I didn't want to hamper the group. I could burst 4 shots and with a little delay get off a 5th. Still good enough damage to see his Health bar jump. Which with his HP is an accomplishment:D Again, wait till I get a beasty LB. It will have its very useful applications.

    At any rate, there is more complexity in comparing the two bows than may first appear obvious.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2015
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  16. Zamvel7

    Zamvel7 Active Author

    they wont go back to the old system, but instead and i wish to, dso will bring us a new system that will allow us to be a huge steel tanker on pve or arena (some features need to change) or semi-tank berserker mode...,

    it's true dk are having a rough time, my advice is too play nahuatlan and maps beyond just like you were playing against the bugs and bosses on hod, dodging, jumping, stunning,....also it took me a while, but now i have semi-mastered my own style... one tip... if you use your rage a lot as i do, if you see the little dragons kill them as soon as possible, then turn against the scorpions.

    if i was you i will give a chance to dso, hotfix and the release 156 is coming soon, very soon, i am waiting for a fix just like you, meanwhile do what i have told you, you dont need blues to kill and keep alive, (unless you want to kill everything faster), remember hit and move, just like ali.


    question and i dont know if this is the right place, Could nahuatlan be not an open map? i am lvl 50 now, but it was really annoying trying to kill some mobs while other players where killing them too, yeah i know we are supposed to do teams but, what about solo players, the same problem happens with the 4th cloak quest, there are few gorgons and it's an open map...=S that was the most annoying quest i have ever done.

    ok thanks for reading
  17. Shiladitya

    Shiladitya Padavan

    The average damage I took from an 2h SW on my 2h setup (with 5k up armour and 1450 resist and 25 points on %less damage from players) was 8K on first impact and then burn the rest of my hp down. The SW is a lvl45 Koto, not a heavy payer. I am levels above him, have lvl42 fame, have a mix of flawless and sacred gems etc, before the update everyone except 3-4 players on our server wasn't undefeatable by me.
    How much steel do u feel by steel tank XD maximum armour is 80% in DSO which is arnd 8k and resistance is also 80% which would need maybe 5k resist? and then we would need 18k hp to last as a tank against that sort of damage even with the crit nerf :p I am pretty sure DSO wont make dk's that tanky :p And I didnt start playing a dk to be a iron sandbag on wheels with a pin sticking out of a hole to prick my opponents :D PVE isnt a problem for me, I have tested most maps till now and although things have become difficult its ok for me. I have even tested mortis solo and its still doable with red and sometimes with purple if you have the right combination of things. Point is, dso needs a LOT of brain storming if they wanna fix this complete system breakdown by release 156 :p Right now not only balance is broken, they have a made such a chain of interdependant things that the whole game is in balance now. The first thing DSO would think of doing is nerfing SW's and Steammechs, which I dont want because that would be unfair for them. Thats why I say start experimenting if you were a dk or hope that dso devs are a bunch of geniuses :D
    I will wait tho. I am just testing out new things not switched completely yet :D
  18. wizzo90

    wizzo90 Junior Expert

    So, after playing all classes a few days in R155, here is my feedback:

    Mage: Its a walk in the park now. Simply equip a 2h staff, skill for maximum damage and lightning anything before it reaches you. I really wonder what the DSO team thought. Mages were pretty unstoppable with 1.6k damage, now I got over 3.5k. What were they thinking? I dont even care how many hp or armor I got, nothing hits me anyway. Ill be off running m2 now solo with no essence, because I can.

    Ranger: This class really needed a makeover. Essentially there was only one good build before: The high crit and high speed ranger. Now? Pretty much the same. Longbows have become nicer, but rangers need to keep moving, so I would say that the makeover failed. Still the class didnt loose or gained much.
    Except for the fact hat a lot of good ranger players put all their resources in crit gear, which is now close to worthless. I can understand their anger.

    Dwarfs: They really got better now and they deserved it. 2h is now the new standard. They are somewhat ok now in PVP but great in PVE. Still they are just a complicated, less powerfull version of the mage. Still a class for people that really love them and dont care if they get 1 shot killed in the future PVP. On the bright side, they were great boss killers before, now they own every slow and predictable target since the 2h dmg output of red turrets is through the roof.

    Dragon Knights: Yep, they are broken now. Either you go for damage to use the healing, than you die within 2 seconds in PW if for any reason you cant hit the swing button. That was with 5.5k armor and 2.1k resistence btw, which non payers will hardly ever reach. Or you go for defense, than you are somewhat helpfull for groups in pve but a running victem in PVP or solo PVE. Question: How many shots can a tank in R155 take from a 4k+ damage mage? Exactly the same number as anyone else. If this is permanent, I will recommend DKs only to heavy payers with a positive attitude.

    I guess the DSO team simply forgot the fact that any class can simply avoid getting hit by gameplay, besides the DK and probably the new melee class. Still they all got now nearly the same defense and offense capabilities.

    If the new class will be melee, it will be as popular as dwarfs were in the start, so not at all.
    I am alright with all of this, but dislike the fact that you essentially killed some old DK players and screwed over most old rangers. Was that really necessary?
    If you leave it to this, it will take about 4 months before you can rename DSO into Mage Wars. Suites me, but still not he wisest choice.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2015
    _Baragain_, Dragonnns and Darwarren like this.
  19. matami

    matami Someday Author

    and what does BP when they release urgent hotfix for r155 because nothing in the game doesnt work properly... YES!!!! they raise the damages for monster in PW... :mad: i would love to see free player who just leveled to level 50 soloing/playing m2 o_O must be as fun as hitting your thumb nail with hammer :oops:
    Darwarren likes this.
  20. wizzo90

    wizzo90 Junior Expert

    Your analogy nailed it!

    Just played my dk: 8k hp, 5.5k armor, 2.1k res, 3.2k damage ... First deathknight in m2 killed me.

    Great, after paying a number of € you would not believe anyway, I can finally fail at PW like a new player.

    So Ill be offline with that DK until some major changes has been made. And I think I am done paying, its just to much of a risk. I payed for 7 special gems from the casino clowns, you can take a wild guess how much € they costed, now I can simply skill running speed or buy a armor pet. Paying would be just stupid after these recent signals.

    One the bright side, more time for other things.