Feedback Release 157

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Oct 14, 2015.

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  1. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    Please note the 25% is only anderment not gold.
  2. Hannai

    Hannai Someday Author

    Give us back our DKS! I don't hide behind rocks.. I'm right in there with the you guys givin' it socks!... right behind you guys (yes behind granted! I'm glass cannon but can pack a one-hit-sneak-kidney-punch) but my thorns and arrows ain't gonna help if DKS got no regen.. then it's double death and eulogies all round!
    We are here today to celebrate this toon's life.. he grinded.. he repaired.. he ran out of ander.. but in the end.. it was the lag that took him. Pssh
    misterbean and -Skygazer- like this.
  3. Вrаvєпаптh

    Вrаvєпаптh Forum Greenhorn

    Im a DK , hopefully one of the 20 best from Agathon server, and i HATE PVP right now!!! i loved PVP before, epic war battles, now there are "runners dk" 3v3 is a nightmare, they only win by suddent death , 15 min each 3v3....i have the 6k draken weapon and i hate it, this need to be nerfed or banish from pvp fields same as potions, my regards.
  4. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    And who are you?
  5. Edphin

    Edphin Forum Apprentice

    He wants to nerf Dk more.He is a Dk hater..:mad: