Feedback Release 162

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Mar 7, 2016.

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  1. I have been pushing for a Premium upgrade offer and so too have admins from other language teams. The idea also has the backing of our CMs. It is the Payments Dep't who have dug their toes in. I will continue to poke them with the electric cattle prod and see if I can make their feet shuffle. No promises though.
    Bubble and MikeyMetro like this.
  2. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    @^Alexdragon^ your previous post has been deleted because:
    a) Before giving feedback you need to read this thread
    b) You need to read the whole text in the patchnotes
    c) You need to read our forum rules:
  3. -HARRA81-

    -HARRA81- Forum Mogul

    I liked the reduced glyph cost of the items with the deluxe premium membership but if you have bought already a premium why you can not upgrade it to deluxe? I do think that there should be lower amount of Icy Skelly Archers at Heredur lv3 when you are playing solo!
    And why those skelly archers teleport on your character and when you are dodging the Heredur's attack you get stuck in a endless loop
    on the archers :mad:
  4. Orange_George

    Orange_George Padavan

    Not happy with this "improvement" for Gnob at all.:mad: Gnob was a long term goal to shoot for, now it's just another gamble.:rolleyes:
    I'am still not sure if i even like him to be in town all the time. It was exciting and much anticipated to find him in town. Now he's just another vendor and for most long term players offering stuff unusefull to me a 5th year player. :(
    Troneck86 and Μorfeas like this.
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