Announcement Release 178 Patch Notes

Discussion in 'Patchnotes and Maintenance' started by Sunlight, Nov 15, 2016.

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  1. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    In Brief

    Brave heroes of Dracania,
    Release 178 brings you the Defeat the Undefeatables event, with a brand new pet to craft: Arachna! Multiple bug fixes complete this release.

    New features

    Defeat the Undefeatables
    The Undefeatables are back for fresh blood! Show them who’s the real undefeatable one, and take from them the parts needed to craft the brand new Arachna companion!​


    Bug Fixes

    Leaderboard timer can be exploited
    We fixed an exploit that allows the leaderboard timer to be reset when another group member entered the map.
    Client crash when switching Invite modes
    We fixed an issue where the client would crash if switching from Invite Friends to Invite Nearby

    Invisible Jellyfish champions in Spawning grounds
    We made the invisible Jellyfish Champions visible again.

    Timer trigger in Parallel World Fortress Teganswall can be bypassed
    We fixed an issue where the trigger for the timer in PW Fortress Teganswall could be bypassed at the start of the map, preventing the timer from starting and giving players an advantage.

    No Hero Light in Parallel World Ocean of Bones
    We turned on the Hero Light in the Ocean of Bones map.
    Audio fixes
    Our sound engineer has been working tirelessly to fix a number of audio issues.​

    Go forth and conquer, heroes of Dracania!

    Rozmo likes this.
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