Feedback Release 187 - Feedback

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Sunlight, Apr 3, 2017.

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  1. rpfo

    rpfo Padavan

    Im not talking exactly about unique drops since i really dont care about both sets. The point is about the amount of gems , green, blue items in the map. Fullmoon (1st map) till r185 used to be a good place to farm , specially gems , lots of gem drops and now they are gone.
  2. bLoodZ

    bLoodZ Someday Author

    Patchnotes?:confused: What a joke!:p
    Prepare yourselves for a super secret feature. :eek:
    I've just discovered it myself.:cool:
    I present you the stack splitter (item splitter?:rolleyes:):
    DD anyone?:rolleyes:
    Hold Ctrl and select the desired stack then drop it in a different inventory slot and you'll be able to split your stack.:cool:

    This feature is pretty nice... for example if you want to make multiple dragan weapons, 'cause when you craft one you'd usually lose all your parts. :D
    trakilaki, Yogo, Javah and 1 other person like this.
  3. Yogo

    Yogo Forum Great Master

    a very cool feature- kind of anticipated for years- thankfully after 5 years it is finally reaching live serveres..better late then never I'd say...
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    That feature actually exist since long time ago ... but not for the players.
    You can see it in the Dev's Diaries videos.
    Gem stacking as well.
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