Announcement Release 189 Patchnotes

Discussion in 'Patchnotes and Maintenance' started by Sunlight, May 3, 2017.

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  1. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Dear heroes of Dracania,

    We are very proud to announce the following updates in Release 189.


    All Full Moon Event Gear has been updated
    to the new Sands of Malice standard (added base stats, percentage based enchantments, and enchantment transferability).


    1. All buffs gained from pets remain in place as long as the pet is active, and no longer reset with each map change
    2. Fixed a bug which caused the game to crash when changing inventory tabs
    3. Enchantment Transfer Crafting, and the materials needed for it, is now properly gated for level 50 characters.
    4. Various audio adjustments (Ranger Bearach set bonus, Bearach boss intro...)
    5. Rangers using Amethysts will now see the correct number of life points added to their character
    6. The Bloodmage battle map from the Full Moon Event had a few glitches fixed, which previously (and unintentionally) blocked the Bloodmages’s attack
    7. Fragment of Infernal passage drops now have a hover and rotation animation like other dropped items
    8. Various audio timing and SFX adjustments
    9. Minor UI adjustments to the PVP final score window
    10. Minor localization adjustments

    Go further and conquer, heroes of Dracania.

    Yogo likes this.
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