Feedback Release 212

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Aug 6, 2018.

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  1. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    It is a bug.
  2. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there heroes,

    Apparently it's a bug and it was reported by our team :)
    We'll reinforce it this week again.
  3. unchained

    unchained Forum Apprentice

    didnt knew if they removed or bug the bonus ranged for quick shot and heavy shot in herald weapon. or classic bug point? as usual :)
  4. DamarèRo

    DamarèRo Padavan

    Same problems bro, sometimes i am nerby to the target i shot EA and when he hit the target is dissapear/do not explode is vanish and is happend many time, what i can say wow nice killing of this skill, good job o_o
  5. Orange_George

    Orange_George Padavan

    I notice several maps where the quest "a mighty threat" does not work, most are in Lor'tac.
    Any news as to when they will be working?


    ok sorry guys I figured out what was going on. I was doing normal lvl maps and this Q is not available then.
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 21, 2018
  6. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    The issue is not fixed ... it is only shifted to 00:00.
  7. Shine2

    Shine2 Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    The Devs are aware of that and working on next step to finally solve this issue.
  8. -kirachan-

    -kirachan- Someday Author

    code eror - 23 cant log connection lost ?
  9. HellenicMacedonian

    HellenicMacedonian Active Author

    I do not know what is happening in other countries, but we in Hellas (Greece) are having a big problem with the lag.

    Some people could not even connect to the game over the past two days.

    It is the second time I close the game because of the lag today.

    server: Grimmag
  10. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    i dont know but if within this week we dont get:
    1) info about the upcoming relase
    2) when will this finally happen
    3)info about the bugfixes that HAVE to happen because of things that they implementted over a month ago
    4) Server stability
    I think its a bout god damn time about any of these 4 to happen if not bb i have other games
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