Announcement Release 214 Patch notes

Discussion in 'Patchnotes and Maintenance' started by Sunlight, Dec 10, 2018.

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  1. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Dear heroes of Dracania,

    With Release 214 we are introducing a lot of new features / new content and fixing a huge list of bugs.


    Economy Rebalancing
    • several offers have been repriced
    • the selling prices for all items has been updated

    Daily Deal Update

    • all Daily Deal offers have been repriced now
    • new items have been added to the Daily Deal

    Jester Removal

    • the Jesters have been removed from the game

    Gems and Runes

    General Updates
    • all Qaizah gems have been removed from the game
    • the values of all other gems have been increased to the same level of the Qaizah gems
    • all existing Qaizah gems in the player's inventory have been exchanged with the normal gems
    • runes now have an updated Andermant and Gold value
    New Gems
    • new gem rarities have been added to the game.
    Royal Onyx
    Royal Onyx
    Royal Diamond
    Royal Diamond
    Royal Cyanite
    Royal Cyanite
    Royal Amethyst
    Royal Amethyst
    Royal Ruby
    Royal Ruby
    • players need to get new schematics to unlock the new crafting methods for the new gem rarity levels
    • the new schematics can be dropped (with a chance for level 55 players) from every lockpick chest in Dracania or from worthy opponents or they can be bought from Zumpe

    Runes Adjustments

    Attack Speed, Critical Damage and Block Strength
    Like the gem system, the rune system has been simplified as well. Runes that were only usable in two-handed or one-handed weapons have been merged into one new rune per attribute and will grant a bonus based on the item slot it is assigned to.

    These changes will affect the following runes:

    • Runes of Celerity (Attack speed)
    • Runes of Devastation (Critical damage)
    • Runes of Persistence (Block strength)
    The power level of the new Runes of Celerity has also been increased to compensate for a part of the power which will be lost by the removal of sapphires (see below).

    Rune2h Weapon1h WeaponWeapon Adornment
    Lesser Rune of Celerity6%6%4%
    Rune of Celerity10%10%6%
    Mighty Rune of Celerity16%16%8%
    Supreme Rune of Celerity20%20%10%

    Sapphire Removal

    All sapphires have been removed from the game and exchanged with with a corresponding Rune of Celerity as described in the table below:

    SapphiresExchanged to
    Flawed SapphireLesser Rune of Celerity (new)
    Splintered SapphireLesser Rune of Celerity (new)
    Simple SapphireLesser Rune of Celerity (new)
    SapphireLesser Rune of Celerity (new)
    Polished SapphireLesser Rune of Celerity (new)
    Radiant SapphireRune of Celerity (new)
    Flawless SapphireRune of Celerity (new)
    Sacred SapphireMighty Rune of Celerity (new)
    Royal SapphireMighty Rune of Celerity (new)
    Old 1h RuneExchanged to
    Old Lesser Rune of CelerityLesser Rune of Celerity (new)
    Old Rune of CelerityLesser Rune of Celerity (new)
    Old Mighty Rune of CelerityLesser Rune of Celerity (new)
    Old Supreme Rune of CelerityRune of Celerity (new)
    Old 2h RuneExchanged to
    Old Lesser Rune of Grand CelerityLesser Rune of Celerity (new)
    Old Rune of Grand CelerityRune of Celerity (new)
    Old Mighty Rune of Grand CelerityMighty Rune of Celerity (new)
    Old Supreme Rune of Grand CelerityMighty Rune of Celerity (new)
    Rune Limits
    With this release, the item slot restriction has been removed from certain runes. This means players can now assign the following runes to any item slot:
    • Runes of Materi Blessing
    • Runes of Wisdom Seeker
    • Group Effect Runes
    Since the slot restriction has been removed, a maximum socketable amount of 5 has been introduced for these runes.

    This means that players can only socket 5 runes of the same type into items. This includes all items, meaning equipped items, items stored in the inventory and the bank.
    • durability has been removed from the game
    • the option to repair your equipment has been removed from the blacksmith

    Glyph Values

    • increased Glyphs of Power value for magic items by 25%
    • increased Glyphs of Power value for extraordinary items by 100%
    • increased Glyphs of Power value for legendary items by 33%
    Note that this change will only be applied for items that dropped prior release 214.

    Stack Crafting
    This feature will allow players to craft several items at once, including gems and runes.

    Ingredient Bag
    We are implementing an Ingredient Bag, allowing players to collect the new and old ingredients, like crafting cores, without blocking any general inventory space. The ingredients listed in the bag will be sorted by type and rarity.

    Players will now be able to collect special ingredients from all of the dungeons across Dracania (on difficulty Painful or higher). These are needed to craft a raft of completely new potions elixirs, tonics and physics. Ingredients exist in several rarities which can only be found on specific difficulties (the higher the rarity, the higher the difficulty).

    Reduced Crafting Core Types
    The variety of crafting cores will be reduced to make the whole system a bit less complex and the hunt for cores easier. To do this we will be introducing two new crafting cores. The first one, the Materia Cores, will replace all of the elemental cores (Dark, Blazing, Solid, Shock, Frost, Venom) from the Parallel Worlds and will drop instead of them from Parallel World bosses. All existing elemental cores will be exchanged for this new one. This means players will no longer need to farm specific dungeons for specific cores anymore. The second new core type, Tellurian Cores, will be available in all normal dungeons on ALL difficulties. It will be needed whenever a player wants to craft the equipment items that can be found in the normal dungeons. This new core also enables the introduction of the first type of core crafting (Augment) to happen earlier at level 35.In the end, there will only be just six cores in total – the current Soul, Pristine, Augment and Draken cores and the two new cores described above. Where to find these different cores will also be changing.

    Potions, Elixirs, Tonics & Physics

    A number of new items will be introduced to try and make the players’ lives a little easier. Here is a brief overview of the new item types:

    Potions will restore health and resources. In addition to the common restore potions, we will also be introducing potions which regenerate health or resource over time. There will also be potions which have a combined effect. For example, these would restore a specific amount of health instantly and some more over time.
    Elixirs will be a great way of increasing a single attribute by a very high amount for a short time. Elixirs will be active for 20 seconds and have a cooldown time of two minutes.

    Tonics will increase a single attribute by an absolute amount. Tonics will have an active duration of two hours.

    Physics will increase a single attribute by a certain percentage. They come in two variants: simple and advanced. The simple versions will last for 30 minutes while the advanced versions will last for two hours.
    We are also be implementing a new crafting quest row which will guide players through the new and different crafting mechanics. Through these new quests, players will be able to unlock most of the crafting possibilities – this means that players can start using these specific crafting methods only after completing the related quest for it.This new quest row will follow along with the normal game's progression. This means that the crafting quests will only be available at certain levels and in certain regions. In general, crafting quest tasks will send players to Dracania’s dungeons, except for the Parallel World and event dungeons, and only on difficulty Painfuland higher. This means that players will need to unlock these difficulties before being able to complete the new quests.There are two quests, one normal and one repeatable, in every region. Normal quests will usually teach the player new crafting methods while the repeatable ones will offer players the chance to receive rare crafting recipes for elixirs, tonics and physics, each bound to a specific region.

    With the introduction of the new quest row, the way some recipes work has been adjusted. For example: In the current version of the game a players needs to buy or find a recipe for any item or set to enable the core crafting methods for it. Now, there is just be one recipe per core crafting method (Augment, Pristine and Soul) which will unlock the crafting for all items – including future ones!

    Please see the list below for instructions on how and when the different crafting recipes will be unlocked:

    Required LevelRecipeHow to get?From where?
    12Rarity Upgrade (Magic)Quest RewardQuest Title: Useless Rubbish (3/3)
    Quest Giver: Matthew Allthings
    12Gem Crafting (Splintered Gem and Simple Gem)Quest RewardQuest Title: Useless Rubbish (3/3)
    Quest Giver: Matthew Allthings
    12Rune Crafting (Lesser Rune -> Rune)Quest RewardQuest Title: Useless Rubbish (3/3)
    Quest Giver: Matthew Allthings
    15Inherited Crafting (Improved)Quest RewardQuest Title: From Disaster to Master (1/9)
    Quest Giver: Petyax (Kingshill)
    20Inherited Crafting (Magic)Buy RecipeShop: Petyax (Kingshill) / Alyona (Resistance Command Center)
    20Rarity Upgrade (Extraordinary)Buy RecipeShop: Petyax (Kingshill) / Alyona (Resistance Command Center)
    24Potion Crafting (All Common Basic Potions)Quest RewardQuest Title: From Disaster to Master (2/9)
    Quest Giver: Petyax (Kingshill)
    24All Common Duria Elixirs, Tonics and PhysicsBuy RecipeShop: Petyax (Kingshill)
    25Inherited Crafting (Extraordinary)Buy RecipeShop: Petyax (Kingshill) / Alyona (Resistance Command Center)
    25Rarity Upgrade (Legendary)Buy RecipeShop: Petyax (Kingshill) / Alyona (Resistance Command Center)
    30Inherited Crafting (Legendary)Buy RecipeShop: Petyax (Kingshill) / Alyona (Resistance Command Center)
    30All ImprovedDuria Elixirs, Tonics and PhysicsQuest RewardQuest Title: Bone Oracle (1/1)
    Quest Giver: Petyax (Kingshill)
    30Gem Crafting (Gem, Polished Gem and Radiant Gem)Quest RewardQuest Title: From Disaster to Master (3/9)
    Quest Giver: Alyona (Resistance Command Center)
    30Rune Crafting (Rune -> Mighty Rune)Quest RewardQuest Title: From Disaster to Master (3/9)
    Quest Giver: Alyona (Resistance Command Center)
    30All Common Teganswall Elixirs, Tonics and PhysicsBuy RecipeShop: Alyona (Resistance Command Center)
    35All Improved Teganswall Elixirs, Tonics and PhysicsQuest RewardQuest Title: Annoying Troublemakers (1/1)
    Quest Giver: Alyona (Resistance Command Center)
    35Augment Core CraftingQuest RewardQuest Title: From Disaster to Master (4/9)
    Quest Giver: Roxana (Jarlshofn)
    35All Common Norselands Elixirs, Tonics and PhysicsBuy RecipeShop: Roxana (Jarlshofn)
    35All Improved Basic PotionsBuy RecipeShop: Roxana (Jarlshofn)
    35All Common Combined PotionsBuy RecipeShop: Roxana (Jarlshofn)
    40All Improved Norselands Elixirs, Tonics and PhysicsQuest RewardQuest Title: Questionable Health Drink (1/1)
    Quest Giver: Roxana (Jarlshofn)
    40Pristine Core CraftingQuest RewardQuest Title: From Disaster to Master (5/9)
    Quest Giver: Motyash(Ashraya)
    40All Common Helios Elixirs, Tonics and PhysicsBuy RecipeShop: Motyash(Ashraya)
    45All Improved HeliosElixirs, Tonics and PhysicsQuest RewardQuest Title: Strong Currents Ahead (1/1)
    Quest Giver: Motyash (Ashraya)
    45All Common Myrdosch Elixirs, Tonics and PhysicsBuy RecipeShop: Galixa (Andrakasch)
    45All Improved Combined PotionsBuy RecipeShop: Galixa (Andrakasch)
    50All Improved Myrdosch Elixirs, Tonics and PhysicsQuest RewardQuest Title: Repel the Intruders (1/1)
    Quest Giver: Galixa (Andrakasch)
    50Gem Crafting (Flawless Gem, Sacred Gem and Royal Gem)Quest RewardQuest Title: From Disaster to Master (7/9)
    Quest Giver: Lyosha(Yaltepetl)
    50Rune Crafting (Mighty Rune -> Supreme Rune)Quest RewardQuest Title: From Disaster to Master (7/9)
    Quest Giver: Lyosha(Yaltepetl)
    50All Common Lor’Tac Elixirs, Tonics and PhysicsBuy RecipeShop: Lyosha(Yaltepetl)
    55All Improved Lor’Tac Elixirs, Tonics and PhysicsQuest RewardQuest Title: Time for Replenishment (1/1)
    Quest Giver: Lyosha (Yaltepetl)
    55Soul Core CraftingQuest RewardQuest Title: From Disaster to Master (8/9)
    Quest Giver: Kolyax(Hiraja)
    55All Common Qaizah Elixirs, Tonics and PhysicsBuy RecipeShop: Kolyax(Hiraja)
    55All Improved Qaizah Elixirs, Tonics and PhysicsQuest RewardQuest Title: Nasty Visitors (1/1)
    Quest Giver: Kolyax(Hiraja)
    55All Magic Basic and Combined PotionsBuy RecipeShop: Kolyax(Hiraja)
    55All Magic Duria Elixirs, Tonics and PhysicsQuest RewardQuest Title: Bone Oracle (1/1)
    Quest Giver: Petyax (Kingshill)
    55All Magic Teganswall Elixirs, Tonics and PhysicsQuest RewardQuest Title: Annoying Troublemakers (1/1)
    Quest Giver: Alyona (Resistance Command Center)
    55All Magic Norselands Elixirs, Tonics and PhysicsQuest RewardQuest Title: Questionable Health Drink (1/1)
    Quest Giver: Roxana (Jarlshofn)
    55All Magic Helios Elixirs, Tonics and PhysicsQuest RewardQuest Title: Strong Currents Ahead (1/1)
    Quest Giver: Motyash(Ashraya)
    55All Magic Myrdosch Elixirs, Tonics and PhysicsQuest RewardQuest Title: Repel the Intruders (1/1)
    Quest Giver: Galixa (Andrakasch)
    55All Magic Lor’Tac Elixirs, Tonics and PhysicsQuest RewardQuest Title: Time for Replenishment (1/1)
    Quest Giver: Lyosha (Yaltepetl)
    55All Magic Qaizah Elixirs, Tonics and PhysicsQuest RewardQuest Title: Nasty Visitors (1/1)
    Quest Giver: Kolyax(Hiraja)
    55Improved Royal GemsBuy Recipe /
    Monster Drop
    Shop: Zumpe (Kingshill)
    Drop: All Monsters
    55MagicRoyal GemsBuy Recipe /
    Monster Drop
    Shop: Zumpe (Kingshill)
    Drop: All Mon


    The costs to revert a crafting process have been removed. Items will still be lost when reverting.

    New Workbenches
    As it is sometimes rather crowded around a workbench, especially in Kingshill, new themed workbenches are being introduced. Players can find these next to their related NPCs – for example, the jeweler. When opening one of the themed workbenches it will automatically select the tab of the theme it is assigned to, in this example Gems & Runes. Players can, however, switch to another tab to use any workbench for any type of crafting they desire.

    Achievements / Titles
    With all the new changes within the crafting system, there are also new achievements and titles for crafting enthusiasts.

    Additional Consumable Slots
    With this release, two additional slots have been added above the already existing potion slots. Any consumable item (e.g. potions, elixirs, tonics, physics or other buff items) can be placed in these four slots.

    PvP Update
    General Updates and Adjustments
    With this release, a few changes for the PvP battlegrounds in Drakensang are being applied. Our goal of these changes is to shift our PvP to a more “based-on-your-actions” experience and eliminating the "one-hit-kill" issue.

    Following changes:
    • base values are also named PVP enabled in the item tooltip
    • only these values will be available in PvP battles, except for open arenas
    • the following value increases will be deactivated:
      • gems
      • enchantments
      • runes
      • unique values, including set bonuses
      • skill group effects
      • legacy equipment will have no effect in PvP battles, except for open arenas
    • to achieve a better experience a general buff will be active in PvP battles, except for open arenas
    • 40% faster movement speed, 62.5% increased attack speed, 200% increased block rate, +3225 (on level 55) to all resistances (level dependent)
    • player summons’ health points will be reduced by 90% in PvP battles (compared to PvE maps and open arenas) This applies to the following player summons:
      • Mechanical Turret (Steam Mechanicus)
      • Machine Gun Turret (Steam Mechanicus)
      • Tactical Turret (Steam Mechanicus)
      • Guardian / Guardian of Flames (Spellweaver)
      • Wild Pack / Wood Wraith (Ranger)

    Skills Adjustments

    • Increased rage costs to 75 on PvP maps
    Steam Mechanicus
    Steam Conductor
    • Increased skill cooldown to 10 seconds on PvP maps
    To achieve a better matchmaking with this release, the ELO-System will be reset. This means that all current internal player scores will be reset, which will result in quicker matchmaking but the PvP statistics will stay untouched.
    In addition, a player's Honor Level will no longer have an influence on the matchmaking process.

    Capture the Flag – 5v5
    • the movement speed reduction when picking up a flag has been changed to 30%
    Storm of the Fortress – 6v6
    • health points and damage values of towers, structures, the Steamdriver, and the Marching Bombs have been adjusted
    • to be able to attack the Thunder Gun Controls and the last Protective Tower in the fortress, the attacking team needs to destroy all three Heavy Defensive Towers first
    • healing auras of the defending team have been increased from 4% to 5%
    • healing auras of the attacking team have been decreased from 10% to 5%
    • player summons will no longer target towers, structures, the Steamdriver or the Marching Bombs
    • towers and structures are now immune to damage from the Steam Mechanicus’ Tesla Turret

    Enchantment Update

    Golden Enchantments
    The chance for golden enchantments in extraordinary and legendary items has been increased. The chance also increases depending on the dungeon difficulty.
    The minimum and maximum range for golden enchantment values have been adjusted and lies now between 98% and 100% of the possible maximum value of regular enchantments.

    Unique Enchantments
    With this release a new type of enchantment will be introduced, the unique enchantments. These enchantments work similar to golden enchantments and can only be found on extraordinary items.
    Their values are up to 20% higher than the possible maximum value of regular enchantments. Unique enchantments will be represented by a yellow colored value in an item's tooltip.

    Loot Update

    The overall loot behavior has been updated.
    • dyes can now also drop from enemies
    • the following pets can now drop from all enemies:
      • Loving Kraken (Improved)
      • Diligent Gnome (Improved)
      • Pudgy Dragonspawn (Improved)
      • Wee Viscanium Guardian (Improved)
      • Gremlin Squire (Improved)
      • Cute Doggy (Improved)
      • Sharp-eyed Raven (Improved)
      • Dragonspawn (Improved)
    • The following mounts can now drop from all enemies:
      • White Tiger
    • The following costumes can now drop from all enemies:
      • Jungle Crawler Costume
      • Dragonbane Costume
      • Golden Warrior Costume

    Key of Progress Drop Rate

    The drop behavior for the Key of Prowess has been changed. Now it has the following drop chances and stack sizes:

    DifficultyGuaranteed DropAdditional Drop (chance)
    Excruciating11 - 2
    Fatal21 - 2
    Infernal I31 - 2
    Infernal II41 - 2
    Infernal III51 - 2

    Greedy Goblin

    • the Greedy Goblin has a unique minimap icon now
    Trader Update / Merge
    • the Alchemist and Essence Merchants have been merged
    • equipment traders now do also offer equipment colors
    • all offers have been repriced
    • the Little Raptor Pet (Improved) has been added to Emilia's shop
    • the Fire Rooster Pet (Improved) has been added to Emilia's shop
    • the Black War Scorpion Mount has been added to Emilia's shop
    • the Dracanian Style Emote has been added to Emilia's shop
    • the Glowing Bone Man Costume is now available for Gold and not for Andermant
    • the Armored Skeleton Costume has been added to Emilia's shop
    • the Secret Lairs' Offering has been added to Emilia's shop (can only be bought once per day)
    • the Rune of the Wisdom Seeker has been added to Emilia's shop
    • Zahir now offers the following emotes for coins and Andermant:
      • Wave
      • Sweetly Blown Kiss
      • Gremlin Toss
      • Bow
      • Laughing Fit
      • Spectacular dragon's breath
      • Red juggler's pins
    • Zahir now offers the following costumes for coins and Andermant:
      • Chameleon Skin Costume
      • Soldier of the Crown Costume
      • Bone Man Costume
      • Bunny Costume
      • Suave Costume
      • Oriental Battle Costume
      • Native American Warrior Costume
      • Damsel Costume
      • Count Vampire Costume
      • Polar Explorer Costume
      • Antonia's Glamorous Gown
      • The Cloak offers have been removed from Zahir’s shop.
    • Grizmek now offers the following mounts for coins and Andermant:
      • Gray
      • Bay
      • Brown
      • Elegant Bay
      • Flaxen Chestnut
      • Black
      • Red Armored War Horse
      • Blue Armored War Horse
      • Zebra
      • Steambike
      • Brown Alpaca
      • Gray Gorilla
      • Green Lizard
      • Green Mantis
      • Brown Ostrich
      • Brown Ram
      • Brown Snake
      • Green Toad
      • Brown Walrus
      • Brown Warthog
    • Grizmek now offers the following pets for coins and Andermant:
      • Jumpy Squire (Improved)
      • Swan Maiden (Improved)
      • Blue Dragonspawn (Improved)
      • Pudgy Dragonspawn (Improved)
      • Tenacious Dragon Turtle (Improved)
      • Jindo (Improved)
      • Sharp-eyed Raven (Improved)
      • Fairy-summoning Wand (Improved)
      • Batty Gremlin (Improved)
      • Bomb Buddy (Improved)
      • Hoppy Bunny (Improved)
      • Gremlin Squire (Improved)
      • Loving Kraken (Improved)
      • Bug-collecting Jabbax (Improved)
      • Green Raptor (Improved)
      • White Chicken (Improved)
    • Gnob now offers the following runes/equipment items:
      • Rune of Vigor
      • Rune of Vitality
      • Rune of Resilience
      • Rune of Persistence
      • Rune of Relentlessness
      • Rune of Devastation
      • Equipment Refiner
      • Unique Main Hand Item
      • Unique Off Hand Item
    • Gnob now offers the following mounts:
      • Agate-scaled Dragonspawn
      • Steed of Truth
      • Battle-boar
      • Shadow Steed
      • Draken-loving Boar
      • Terror Horse
      • Steed of the Crown
    • Gnob now offers the following pets:
      • Dr. Jullov (Improved)
      • Mad Eye Skully (Unique)
    • Gnob now offers the following event items:
      • Amphora Key
    • Gnob now offers the following miscellaneous items:
      • Secret Lair's Offering (can only be bought once per day)
      • Victory Jump
      • White Spellweaver Costume
      • Matador Costume
    • Thabo now offers travel rations to all bosses (including Parallel World Bosses) for Realm Fragments and Andermant (players have to complete specific quests in order to unlock the different offers)
    Alchemist & Essence Merchant
    • the trader now offers a variety of potions, tonics and physics for coins and Andermant
    • the trader now offers the new Essences of Vigor in all different rarities
    Artifact & Miscellaneous Merchant
    • the prices for the regional unique items have been adjusted
    • the trader now offers dye remover and dyes
    • the trader now offers Equipment Effect Remover, Spirit Guards, Spirit Stones, lockpicks, Keys of Prowess and Fragments of Infernal Passages
    PVP Trader
    • the Walk Hawk Chariot mount has been added to the PvP trader
    • the Victory Pauldrons Costume has been added to the PvP trader
    • the Durian Knight's Armor of Honor I - IV have been added to the PvP trader (they can be bought if the respective PvP quests have been completed)
    • the Traditional Norseman Garb I - IV have been added to the PvP trader (they can be bought if the respective PvP quests have been completed)
    • the Gladiator's Decorative Armor I - IV have been added to the PvP trader (they can be bought if the respective PvP quests have been completed)
    • the Master Mechanicus' Uniform I - IV have been added to the PvP trader (they can be bought if the respective PvP quests have been completed)
    • the Secret Lairs' Offering has been added to the PvP trader (can only be bought once per day)
    • Zumpe now offers the following runes/schematics:
      • Rune of Celerity
      • Rune of Acceleration
      • Rune of Focus
      • Rune of Fortitude
      • Schematic: Royal Gems (Improved)
      • Schematic: Royal Gems (Magic)
    • Zumpe now offers the following equipment items:
      • Legendary Equipment (only for level 55 players)
      • Extraordinary Equipment (only for level 55 players)
      • The Legendary Kings Armor (6 Items)
      • Smelter (7 days)
      • Equipment Refiner
    • Zumpe now offers the following mounts:
      • Knights of the Round Table
      • Gremlin Shield Bearers
      • Ice S.O.I.
      • Fire S.O.I.
      • Poison S.O.I.
      • Physical S.O.I.
      • Lightning S.O.I.
      • Andermagic S.O.I.
    • Zumpe now offers the following pets:
      • Proud Billy Goat (Improved)
      • Goth Hare (Improved)
      • Aviator Chicken (Improved)
      • Blazin Phoenix (Unique)
    • Zumpe now offers the following emotes:
      • Coin Toss
    • Zumpe now offers the following costumes:
      • Pink Jester Costume
      • Court Mime Costume
      • Court Jester Costume
    Dungeon Difficulties

    General Changes
    The monster damage has been reduced by 25% on difficulty painful.
    The Monster health points have been reduced by 50% on difficulties painful, excruciating and fatal.
    The amount of secondary random monster enchantments has been reduced on difficulties painful and excruciating.

    Parallel World & Event Dungeons
    With this release, the Infernal IV difficulty will be introduced to Parallel World and event dungeons.

    Normal Content Dungeons
    Additional Dungeon Difficulties Unlock
    The way the additional dungeon difficulties are unlocked has been changed. The quest requirements have been removed and the difficulties will now be unlocked based on a character's level (table below)

    RegionPainfulExcruciatingFatalInfernal I or higher
    Infernal Difficulties
    With this release, Infernal difficulties will be added to all normal content dungeons in the game but with a small difference: players will not have access to all Infernal modes.This means that while Infernal IV is the highest available difficulty for Parallel World and event dungeons, the highest available difficulty for the normal content dungeons will be Infernal III.

    Sentinel Random Monster Enchantments
    Sentinel monsters (orange) now have random monster enchantments. Like the already existing random enchantments for other monster ranks, there are primary and secondary enchantments.
    A sentinel can only have one primary enchantment, but multiple secondary enchantments (difficulty dependent).

    Primary Elements

    P1.pngThe monster places aura effects at random positions. When affected by the aura the player cannot execute skills anymore.
    P2.pngThe monster places aura effects at random positions. While affected by the aura the player is not able to move anymore.
    P3.pngThe monster places aura effects at the player(s) position(s). While affected by the aura the player's resource will be drained (5% per second).
    P4.pngThe monster places an aura effect at its current position. While affected by the aura the monster will not die when its health points are reduced to 0. Instead, it will heal itself back to 75% of the original health point value.
    P5.pngThe monster gains an effect which heals it every second.
    P6.pngThe monster places an aura effect at its current position. Other monsters affected by this aura will be healed every second.
    P7.pngThe monster will summon allied monsters.
    P8.pngThe monster will defeat itself after 30 seconds. If this happens it will send out a powerful shockwave which deals a very high amount of damage to the player.
    P9.pngThe monster will shoot fire projectiles in multiple directions.
    P10.pngThe monster will shoot ice projectiles in multiple directions.
    Fix1.pngThe monster will shoot lightning projectiles in multiple directions.
    P12.pngThe monster will shoot poison projectiles in multiple directions.
    P13.pngThe monster will shoot Andermagic projectiles in multiple directions.

    Secondary Enchantments

    S1.pngIncreased health points
    Increased damage
    Increased armor
    All elemental resistances increased
    Increased attack speed
    Increased movement speed
    Reduced skill cooldowns

    Secret Lairs

    With this release, a new set of dungeons will be implemented into the game: The Secret Lairs.

    Whenever a boss is defeated, the entrance to one of these Secret Lairs will be opened. Depending on where the player is coming from, the dungeons will differ in size and difficulty.

    There are 4 different types in total:

    • Normal – 4 platforms
    • Additional Difficulties – 6 platforms
    • Events – 8 platforms
    • Parallel Worlds – 12 platforms
    (1) If the player defeats Heredur on normal difficulty, he/she will be redirected to the Secret Lair of Ice that comes with 4 platforms.

    (2) If the player defeats Kramparus during the Winter Solstice Festival on difficulty Painful, he/she will be redirected to the Secret Lair of Ice that comes with 8 platforms on difficulty Painful.
    As mentioned in the above examples, each Secret Lair is focussed on one of the existing element types of the game, such as Andermagic, fire or ice.
    The table below provides an overview of all existing bosses and their respective Secret Lairs.

    Please note that a boss is also able to lead to more than one type. In this case, it’s random which entrance will appear after the boss is defeated.

    Black WidowX
    Sharr KarabXXXXXX
    Big PawsXX
    Blood Mage (Full Moon Event)X
    Removal of Jesters / New source of Gilded Clovers

    With the removal of the Jesters (in Kingshill), these dungeons (Secret Lairs) will be the new source of Gilded Clovers, by providing various challenges.

    These challenges are:

    Protector Waves
    In this variation, there will be one protector on each available platform. Defeating the protectors will grant the player a chance to receive Gilded Clovers.

    However, the protector will be accompanied by different monsters that will spawn in waves, as soon as his health drops to a certain percentage.
    As soon as the first wave of monsters appears, he will receive a shield that makes it invulnerable, until the fifth wave of monsters has spawned.

    This procedure will be repeated, as soon as the protectordrops even lower in health. The second wave (6-10) will start when he receives the second shield.
    As long as the shield is active, the protector will not actively participate in the battle.

    Greedy Goblin Hunt
    As soon as the player is getting closer to the first platform of the dungeon, a Greedy Goblin will appear. As usual, this Goblin will try to get away from the player as fast as possible. While running away, he will summon different monsters on his path to make sure to get some distance between his location and the location of the players.

    As soon as he reaches his destination (which is usually on the other side of the dungeon), he will disappear. In this case, no loot is granted. If players defeat him, there is a very high chance to receive Gilded Clovers.
    A minimap icon will show the exact position of the goblin at any time.

    Wreckful Protector
    In this variation, there are locked chests on most of the accessible platforms. As soon as the player is getting closer to the first platform of the dungeon, a protector will appear on the other side of the dungeon. He will start to walk towards the other end of the dungeon. As soon as the aura, that surrounds him, reaches one of the locked chests, it will be destroyed. The player must make haste in order to attack the protector. As soon as his health drops to a certain percentage, he will switch to battle mode.

    At this point in time, the protector is not able to destroy any more chests and can be defeated.

    As soon as the player is able to defeat him, all chests are unlocked and can be looted.

    However, on the platforms between protector and players, different types of monster will appear to slow the player down.
    A minimap icon will show the exact position of the protector.

    Monster Hordes
    In this variation, the entire dungeon is filled with different monsters. There are no specific rules for this variation. Just chill and kill.

    Additional bonus chest for completed dungeons

    An additional bonus chest will appear as soon as the entire dungeon is free from monsters only with Monster Hordes challenge. A minimap marker will show the specific location of the chest after the last monster was killed. This chest is an additional source of Gilded Clovers.

    Special platforms

    There are two different types of platforms in each dungeon. While the main platforms will provide the different challenges listed above, special platforms will provide slightly different encounter. Players can start the special encounters by activating the altar ("Ancient Brazier") that is located on the platforms.
    There is one special platform in each small dungeon (4 or 6 platforms) and two special platforms in each big dungeon (8 & 12 platforms).

    They can start the following encounter:

    Greedy Goblin Waves
    One Greedy Goblin is good, a pack of Greedy Goblins is better. As soon as the Ancient Brazier is activated, waves of goblins and other monsters will start to spawn. Players must act quickly, as the goblins will disappear after a short amount of time.

    Sentinel Fight
    Similar to the final encounter in one of the dungeons with additional difficulties, a Sentinel will appear after the Ancient Brazier is activated. After the Sentinel is defeated, several chests will appear, which can be looted. There is also a chance for a bonus chest that will contain additional Gilded Clovers!

    Monster Chest Battle

    As soon as the player activates the Ancient Brazier, a Chest of the Lairs will spawn. This monster in disguise will spawn minions to defend itself. As soon as it is defeated, it can be looted.

    Free Chest
    A group of 6 chests in a row will appear. The player can choose one, the others will vanish. The content of these chests will vary from dungeon run to dungeon run!

    Entry Costs

    To enter one of the Secret Lairs, players must collect a specific key, called "Secret Lairs' Offering".

    Regardless of difficulty and current location, the costs will be always one key per entrance.
    The number of keys that the player will be able to get will be limited per day.

    The players can find it here:

    • Daily Login Bonus
    • Daily Deal
    • Gnob (Event Merchant)
    • Emilia (Premium Trader)
    • Daily Challenges
    • PvP Trader
    Closing of maps
    As soon as the first player crosses the blue barrier, the map is closed for any other players. Player groups should make sure that everyone is on the map BEFORE they leave the starting point.

    Leave Dungeon Dialogue
    • a dialogue has been added that asks the player if he wants to leave a dungeon or boss map with an urban area as a target location
    • there is also the option to deactivate this dialogue or trigger it only if the player leaves a boss map.
    Cloak Quests Disabled
    • all cloak quests have been disabled
    • all cloak patterns have been removed from Zahir’s shop
    • patterns are no longer used and can be sold

    Pet rarities
    • the rarity levels have been added to the pet system
    • pets that players already have, will receive the following rarity levels after Release 214:
    Pet NameRarity Level
    Blue Dragonspawn Improved
    Swan Maiden Magic
    Swift HarpyMagic
    Hoppy BunnyImproved
    Fennec Unique
    Dr. Jullov Magic
    Winter GnomeExtraordinary
    Bug-collecting Jabbax Improved
    Sharp-eyed Raven Improved
    Goth HareImproved
    Little RaptorImproved
    Green RaptorImproved
    Silver-Scaled Dragonspawn Improved
    Jindo Magic
    Cute Doggy Improved
    Copper-Scaled Dragonspawn Improved
    Jumpy Squire Magic
    Spiney DragonspawnImproved
    Little Dragonspawn Improved
    Fire-scaled Dragonspawn Improved
    Ember-Scaled DragonspawnExtraordinary
    Brightly Scaled Dragonspawn Magic
    Emerald-Scaled DragonspawnMagic
    Blazing PhoenixUnique
    Fairy-summoning WandLegendary
    Sapphire Parrot Magic
    Ruby Parrot Improved
    Emerald Parrot Improved
    Pudgy Dragonspawn Improved
    Aviator ChickenMagic
    White Chicken Improved
    Brown ChickenImproved
    Black Chicken Improved
    Fire RoosterLegendary
    Cheeky Monkey Common
    Tenacious Dragon TurtleMagic
    Proud Billy Goat Magic
    Diligent Gnome Improved
    Gremlin Squire Improved
    Batty GremlinImproved
    Gold Squire Magic
    Horned Fire GnomeMagic
    M'Edusa DollMagic
    Arachna Doll Improved
    Bearach Doll Magic
    Nefertari DollUnique
    Jumping Jack-O'-Lantern Improved
    Bomb Buddy Improved
    Tempest Phoenix Common
    Gloomy Harpy (HP)Improved
    Gloomy Harpy (HP)Improved
    Gloomy Harpy (Critical Damage)Improved
    Gloomy Harpy (Critical Damage)Improved
    Gloomy Harpy (Travelspeed)Improved
    Gloomy Harpy (Travelspeed)Magic
    Gloomy Harpy (Critical Hit Chance)Improved
    Gloomy Harpy (Critical Hit Chance)Improved
    Gloomy Harpy (Armor)Improved
    Gloomy Harpy (Armor)Magic
    Gloomy Harpy (More XP)Magic
    Gloomy Harpy (Travelspeed in urban areas)Extraordinary
    Gloomy Harpy (Travelspeed in urban areas)Legendary
    Cyclops KidExtraordinary
    Lanky Fire Gnome Improved
    Bolstered Fire Gnome Extraordinary
    Rhino CalfMagic
    Living Skull Improved
    Loving KrakenImproved
    Wee Viscanium GuardianImproved
    Green Essence Spout Improved
    Violet Essence Spout Improved
    Red Essence Spout Improved
    Yellow Essence Spout Improved
    Blue Essence Spout Improved
    Heredur DollUnique
    Mad Eye SkullyUnique
    Pet upgrade
    • pet rarities can now be upgraded after they have been added to the player’s Collector's Bag
    • to upgrade a pet the player needs to collect a new currency -> Altered Crescerite (*1)
    • Altered Crescerite can be obtained from the Daily Login Bonus
    • a new button has been added to the Collector's Bag that indicates if a pet can be upgraded or not (*2)
    • if the player hovers over the green arrow button, a tooltip appears showing the upgraded enchantments of the pet and the costs to perform the upgrade (*3)
    *1 Pet1.1.png
    *2 Pet2.png
    *3 Pet1.3.png
    Daily Login Bonus
    The Daily Login Bonus has been reworked:
    • the Small Surprise Chest has been replaced by different Daily Login Chests for each day
    • Andermant has been added as a reward for the 4th and 5th day of the Daily Login Bonus

    Parallel World Chest
    We have added a second version of the Parallel World Chest and changed the visuals of the existing one.
    The new Parallel World Chest appears if you do a Parallel World run on the highest available difficulty. This version of the chest drops moreMateri Fragments and other items.

    Universal Map Update

    • the price for the Universal Map has been increased
    • new versions of the Universal Map has been added to the shop - these versions are less expensive but only temporary

    Mystic Cubes
    • The selling prices for Mystic Cubes has been changed:
    Mystic CubeCoins

    • The Mystic Cubes can now also drop the following items:
      • Rash Rhino
      • Cloak of the Lost Prince
      • Armored Skeleton Costume
      • Horned Fire Gnome (Uncommon)
      • Little Raptor (Uncommon)
      • Fire Rooster (Uncommon)
      • Black War Scorpion
      • Dracanian Style
      • Fennec
      • The Legendary King's War Horse
      • Glowing Bone Man Costume
      • Royal Pauldrons of the Onslaught (Dragonknight)
      • Royal Pauldrons of the Hunting Trap (Ranger)
      • Royal Pauldrons of Singularity (Spellweaver)
      • Royal Pauldrons of the Iron Dwarf (Steam Mechanicus)
      • Royal Tome of the Guardians (Spellweaver)
      • Royal Shield of the Iron Brow (Dragonknight)
      • Royal Special Round Shotgun (Steam Mechnicus)
      • Royal Stroke of Lightning Staff (Spellweaver)
      • Royal Bird of Prey Quiver (Ranger)
      • Royal Icon Fist Pliers (Steam Mechanicus)
      • Royal Seismic Smash Hammer (Dragonknight)
      • Royal Safety Net Bow (Ranger)

    Updated Travel Ration Costs for Parallel Worlds
    The amount of needed travel rations for traveling to Parallel World Bosses on the highest available difficulty has been reduced

    Travel Costs

    the travel costs have been increased but they do scale to the player level now
    traveling to urban areas is always free now

    New XP Buff Items

    new XP buff items have been added to the game (only available for players below level 55)


    New Essences
    Essence of Vigor+25% increased damage
    Essence of Vigor+50% increased damage

    Updated Essences

    Any Essence of AggressionExchanged to Essence of Vigor
    Essence of CombatNew Title: Essence of Vigor
    Essence of WarNew Title: Essence of Vigor
    Essence of DestructionNew Title: Essence of Vigor
    Silver Essenceschanged rarity to Common
    Colorful Essenceschanged rarity to Common
    Shining Silver Essencesreduced damage bonus from 150% to 100%
    Light Essencechanged rarity to Common
    Ordinary Light Essencereduced damage bonus from 150% to 100%
    Ordinary Essence of Lightchanged rarity to Common
    Snow Essencereduced damage bonus from 150% to 100%
    Leaderboard Rewards
    • new leaderboard reward chests have been added
    • they can also contain pets, wings (mounts), emotes and costumes now

    New Monster Marker

    • special monsters like Guardians, Champions, Leaders or Sentinels do have a new ground marker now:
    Qaizah Update
    • removed fast exit on Normal difficulty
    • removed sentinel chest on Normal difficulty
    • removed greedy goblin on Normal difficulty

    Old Lootboxes

    Some loot boxes have been deactivated and can not be opened anymore, although they can still be sold. The following loot boxes are affected:
    Toltac Treasure Chest
    Dark Heart Pack
    Lucky Sphere of Dragonsilver
    Lucky Sphere of Black Squire
    Lucky Sphere of Darkness
    Box of unique items
    Schematic Box - Level 15
    Schematic Box - Level 20
    Schematic Box - Level 25
    Schematic Box - Level 30
    Schematic Box - Level 50
    Event Manual Box - Level 15
    Event Manual Box - Level 50
    Stormball Surprise Pack
    Stormball Box Set
    Modest Battle Pack
    Impressive Battle Pack
    Battle Pack fit for a King
    Lucky Sphere of Sargons Immortal Equipment
    Lucky Sphere of Bone Wings
    Lucky Sphere of Feather Wings
    Lucky Sphere of Night Wings
    Lucky Sphere of Golden Feather Wings
    Lucky Sphere of Obsidian Wings
    Lucky Sphere of Walk Hawk Chariot
    Lucky Sphere of Black War Scorpion
    Dragan Reward Chest
    Dragan Reward Chest
    Dragan Reward Chest
    Dragan Reward Chest
    Moon Chest
    Surprise Chest
    Lucky Mount Package
    Exclusive Lucky Mount Package
    Growth Package
    Defensive Package
    Offensive Package
    Favor of Destiny
    Destiny's Support
    Small Surprise Chest
    Small Supply Chest
    Royal Surprise Chest
    Royal Supply Chest
    Royal Suppy Chest
    Work Package
    Sulfur Desert Emergency Ration
    Excavation Site Emergency Ration
    Battleground Emergency Ration
    Laboratory Emergency Ration
    Viscanium Miner Pack
    Pure Viscanium Pack
    Spring Festival Surprise Pack
    Glorious Chest of Dragan
    Battle Pack 1
    Battle Pack 2
    Battle Pack 3
    Battle Pack 4
    Simple Challenge Pack
    Improved Challenge Pack
    Wonderful Challenge Pack
    Excellent Challenge Pack
    Fantastic Challenge Pack
    Survival Pack
    Good Challenge Pack
    Normal Challenge Pack
    Simple Challenge Pack
    Normal Challenge Pack
    Improved Challenge Pack
    Top-quality Challenge Pack
    Wonderful Challenge Pack
    Excellent Challenge Pack
    Fantastic Challenge Pack
    Survival Pack
    Varholm Chest
    Ancient Mystical Box
    Basem's Bazaar Box
    Defender's Chest (Defender's Amulet)
    Defender's Chest (Defender's Belt)
    Defender's Chest (Punctual Defender's Ring)
    Defender's Chest (Dedicated Defender's Ring)
    Defender's Chest (Defender's Weapon Adornment)
    Blackborg Box
    Helios Surprise Chest
    Helios Champions' Chest
    Gift from the jade rabbit
    Stellar Gold Box
    Shooting Star
    Gladiator Chest
    Glorious Souvenir
    Violet Essence Crystal
    Yellow Essence Crystal
    Small "Crystal of Truth" Box
    Large "Crystal of Truth" Box
    Fallen Treasure Star
    Lucky Sphere of Bone Wings
    Lucky Sphere of Feather Wings
    Valentine's Day package for the Love Fest
    Helios Games Box
    Blue Essence Crystal
    Violet Essence Crystal
    Red Essence Crystal
    Yellow Essence Crystal
    "Crystals of Truth" Small Bag
    Small "Crystals of Truth" Coffer
    Large "Crystals of Truth" Coffer
    "Crystals of Truth" Box
    Small "Crystals of Truth" Chest
    Large "Crystals of Truth" Chest
    "Crystals of Truth" Big Box
    Event Snack
    Event Blessing Box
    Viscanium Miner Pack
    Royal Gifts from Beyond
    Anderworld Survival Pack
    Anderworld Trunk
    Gruesome Pack
    Blue Essence Crystal
    Red Essence Crystal
    Yellow Essence Crystal
    Small Hero Pack
    Big Hero Pack
    Royal Hero Pack
    Small Annihilator Pack
    Big Annihilator Pack
    Royal Annihilator Pack
    Starterpack of the Undefeatable
    Chest of Terrifying Armor
    Sargon's Trunk
    Night in Sargon's Armor Pack
    Terrible Shadow Pack
    Unique armor chest
    Unique weapon chest
    Legendary Offer Box
    Small Essence Emergency Ration
    Large Essence Emergency Ration
    Essence Merchant Emergency Ration
    Consolation Package
    Surprise Reward Chest
    Surprise Reward Chest
    Guild Prize
    First Place
    Second Place
    Third Place
    Drake, the Treasure Hunter
    Drake has now been removed from Kingshilland his quests have been deactivated. We are planning to rework Drake in the future.

    Costs for adding gem sockets
    • updated costs
    • the cost of adding sockets is now fixed based on rarity and socket number.
    Fairy-summoning Wand
    • The parts of the Fairy-summoning Wand have been removed from the daily login bonus and from the player's inventory
    • Every player who had at least one of the following items in his inventory will automatically get the Fairy-summoning Wand (Improved) in his/her inventory:
      • Gnarled branch from ancient oaks
      • Magical Diamond
      • Pollen from everlasting fairy lilies
      • Ordinary lock of hair from a fair maiden

    Event Items
    • The information if an item is part of an event has been added to the item tooltip
    • Some event items are only usable if the linked event is running

    Gilded Clover Stacks
    • The Gilded Clover stacks for every player has been multiplied with 15 to reflect the devaluation of Gilded Clovers.

    Currency Bag

    • The Mystical Lunar Blossom has been removed
    • The Moonlit Lunar Blossom has been removed

    Equipment Refiner
    • The equipment refiners can now be used to reroll the stats of unique items (but there is also a chance that the item gets destroyed and the player is refunded with Glyphs of Power).


    The issue that Ashton Catch does not offer the Dark Gaze for the Dragonknight on difficulty Fatal has been fixed

    The issue that the Supreme Group Effect Rune: Oil Slick bonus was capped has been fixed

    The issue that enemies during holdground quests do not count for the daily challenges has been fixed

    The issue that the Festive Amphoras in Blakborg do drop Fairy Fire even if the New Moon event is not running has been fixed

    The issue that the Curse-perished Bowman and the Curse-perished Swordsman had a too high drop rate for Mystic Cubes has been fixed

    The issue that Magotina's Royal Spawn and Karabossa's Royal Spawn are able to drop Mystic Cubes during the battle has been fixed

    The issue that Karabossa's Royal Spawn is able to teleport has been fixed

    The issue that the Wailing Andermagic Ghosts in the Parallel World Liar's Lair has all resistance markers instead of the combined one has been fixed

    The issue that the Icons for the Magpie and the Badge Hunter achievements are switched has been fixed

    The issue that that defeating the Sandling Scout does not count for the Cursed Wish 4/9 quest has been fixed

    The issue that Draugr the Returner does drop loot has been fixed

    The issue that the Sentinel's Chest does spawn 4 times in Fjalnirs Cradle of Frost has been fixed

    The issue that the Greedy Goblin does not count for the A mighty Threat quest has been fixed

    The issue that the A mighty Threat quest is also started on normal difficulty has been fixed

    The issue that the All for One Starter Kit is available in the shop all the time has been fixed

    The issue that monsters lost their resistance icons below the health bar has been fixed

    The issue that the quest guidance for the quest: Saving the World Heart (8/9) was leading the player to the wrong map has been fixed

    The issue that the fire explosion enchantment for some monsters had a larger area of effect than visualization showed has been fixed

    The issue that the player could get a debuff right after using the 120 Andermant respawn has been fixed

    Pet Rarities: Pets lose their rarity color and old pets don't get a rarity
    Some pets in the inventory might have no rarity color – but this will be fixed as soon as the pet is added to the Collectors Bag

    Kind regards,
    Your Drakensang Online Team

    Attached Files:

    • P11.png
      File size:
      11.6 KB
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 21, 2018
  2. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there heroes,

    Last minute change added: PvP section - Skills Adjustments.​

    Kind regards,
    Your DSO Team
    michlong3 likes this.
  3. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there heroes,

    Patch notes were edited in order to fix some discrepancies: selling price for Mystic Cubes.
    Selling price for Level 55 Mystic Cubes (in copper) have been fixed.
    Kind regards,
    Your Drakensang Online Team
    michlong3 likes this.
  4. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Additional bonus chest for completed dungeons part has been updated.

    michlong3 likes this.
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