Feedback Release 222

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Sep 10, 2019.

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  1. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Nothing has been officially announced but it drops from the trees in the last ... something like 3-4 releases.
    I have got it 10+ times so far (excluding the current event since I haven't started it yet).
  2. Tilwin90

    Tilwin90 Padavan

    Refiners. I got tier 2 staves from Herald then used refiners. Once I got a 96% damage staff I pristine crafted it then slowly upgrading it to tier 8. Grindy as hell but it works.
  3. Dwwarfkensang

    Dwwarfkensang Forum Apprentice

    They wont do it like that, cause refiners have a chance to destroy your items and not a small one but 50%. So we have to count on luck again, cause crafting is 100% RNG. Oh and lets not talk about the chance of it being worse or like only 5% better. If refiners worked in a different way then yes they could use them but right now if i have a 50% dmg weapon i have 50% chance of it being destroyed and the rest 50 are 25% being better and 25% being worse, that means 75% of the time it would get worse or destroyed and 25% of the time it would give me 1-50% more base stats, and if i wanted to get my weapon to like 80% chances would be even lower.
  4. vegetadavid

    vegetadavid Forum Mogul

    I think that he just wants to say a solution is to get a lot of uniques in low mode, using refiners to increase chance to get good stats and when you have a good item increase slowly his rank with cores.
  5. Dwwarfkensang

    Dwwarfkensang Forum Apprentice

    Yes, but they will not get a lot of uniques thats the main problem. Also he said he got 2 uniques, if i take 2 Q7 weapons with 50% dmg and i want a weapon with 80% my chances are really low, if BP removed the chance of the item being destroyed then you would be able with just 1 weapon, and refiners are kind of expensive.
  6. CzSamurai

    CzSamurai Forum Apprentice

    Hi, I have 2 questions to mods..

    1) After finishing New moon event, it is on some characters in events list displayed, empty progress, time zero, both sisters on Kingshill still.. is this reported?
    2) when will be repaired pvp event? most of people in my guild ask for this, because now is not possible to finish this long event with maximum points per day..
  7. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Hello @CzSamurai ,
    Event instances and timers should be fixed with a hotfix.
    Issues with PvP leaderboards and progress have been reported immediately. We have no information of a possible hotfix yet.

  8. SupremeBeing

    SupremeBeing Forum Apprentice

    • 50% increase Werewolf Blood drop stack size
    • You no longer need to use Silver Essences or Shining Silver Essences to deal damage to Full Moon event enemies

      Is this coming on part 2 ? because i just used ess to kill the mobs. otherwise they are immune.
  9. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Hello @SupremeBeing :)

    The Full Moon event attire, lasting for 4 days (1 mini-event edition) was introduced with part 1 of R221. The Full Moon event attire lasting 1 whole year was introduced with R222. You must wear the attire in order to have the effect active.

    If you did buy it, you are wearing it, and you continue experiencing this, please contact our support team as soon as possible, providing screenshots along with the purchase receipt.
    Best regards,

    SupremeBeing likes this.
  10. ValkonGo

    ValkonGo Regular

    I would like to clarify the schedule
    In the game, I see that the main event will begin tomorrow. Also, I see that two new “Rampaging Worms” events will start in 4 and 5 days
    But I don’t see a notification for the "Toxic Fumes" event. Will it start much later? This is the most interesting part, I would like to start it early :)
  11. DuSiK.x

    DuSiK.x Someday Author

    1-7 keys / map? how many keys will we need to finish event? 5000? or more?
  12. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    Hi @DuSiK.x the last time the event was on it wasn't necesary keys to go into the main map, and for the mini events, called "toxic fumes" for inf2 you needed 12 in one map and 18 the other one cos the cost was different. The truth is i don't know how is gonna work this time. I try to look info in youtube and other pages but i go on being completey uninformed maybe i don't get to the right pages this time...

    thanks to BP they let us kill some rats before the event started this way the won't catch us by suprise...
  13. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    Yeah, but … 16 rats dropped a total of 6 keys per cleared dungeon (Painful difficulty, Gleaming Mountains) after the hotfix (averaged 30 keys per cleared dungeon before the hotfix) … so we're looking at hundreds, maybe thousands of non-event dungeon runs just so we can grind the event dungeons.

    Will this be another 24/7 grindfest? (Is BP designing events solely for botters/gang-bangers? Or the few whales who pay their way through progress bars? I just don't get it. What/who is keeping the game afloat?)
    JohnWick and 1vanka like this.
  14. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    Yes, for whales. Even paid games do that, so free games obviously do it more as that's their only source of income :|
  15. ValkonGo

    ValkonGo Regular

    What is an "uncommon" item?
    I thought these were green (improved) items, but they continue drop on inf-4 after the 222/2 patch.

    Majkelix, Marsicanus and JohnWick like this.
  16. Mad

    Mad Forum Apprentice

    why mission for new costiume are not activated ?
  17. hacker09897

    hacker09897 Someday Author

    Well dear dso manager said: This costium is for players, which dont played before since 2 months to 1 year. Other players get this mission later.
  18. Burn84

    Burn84 Junior Expert

    I come back in game around 9 mounth ago after 3 yers break and i dint get the new mission ... :D
    Maby is a bug ....
  19. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    u aren't smb who is returning. Areturning player is smb who hasn't logged 3+ monts counting to THIS release
    so if u have returned before this patch u don't count. either ways the costume will be soon available for all
  20. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    ...because content expansion is coming. (source: stream)
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