Feedback Release 228

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Mal3ficent, Feb 18, 2020.

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  1. _G_R_A_M_P_S_

    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ Old Hand

    well, that s better then drops for me. 2 hours of farm in dragans castle inf4. ZERO realm frags dropped. before looters event at least they dropped in the castle. Then run q9, 5 realm frags for the entire m1,2 and boss. That is a far cry from the promised realmfrag droprate. First decrease droprate by 80%, then promise looters event for frags and give an increase of 30%...... Ridiculous, revert to the old frag droprate, or give us an increase during looters fortune for 300% or something. But old droprate is better, because i could farm whenever i had time to play, sometimes i dont have time for dso during looters fortune days, then the day after i have and i m screwed, no realm frags, thnx.
  2. Dzungla

    Dzungla Forum Expert

    Naah, there's a lot of frags ... just no one can see them :D


    Kidding of course, highest score per map today was 4!

    Note - since Dragan's event start - I've pick 850 realm frags (I remember exact amount before that).

    Today, haven't farm that many so I can blame devs they forgot to rise rf % and Looter's Fortune (Realm frags edition though) icon is just a reminder that you need to farm harder ...

    I have enough frags for next 10 year of moon events but what will happen with people or events in future, we'll have to wait and see.
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