Feedback Release 233

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Mal3ficent, May 4, 2020.

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  1. KulawyMao

    KulawyMao Exceptional Talent

    time can be changed when u have weak or strong stats
    for me 1 round without lair on exci~ take hmm 1-1,5min with drop? without drop i can do it in less than 1min, but remember that i dont have op strong, but not op
    so even if we take 2-3min per round = its less than 2h per day, so it isnt so hard like EDIT or stellar gold ;p its much easier to do if u have 1 free day in this 7days but its ok when u have realm fragments
    if u dont have RF u have a problem = many of my friends and i have to problem with that

    now when we have lucky days of RM drop and i get 0-5 RM from lair i3 its nice joke
    Last edited by moderator: May 9, 2020
    gbit likes this.
  2. Venomfist

    Venomfist Forum Apprentice

    The changes made to DTU made it an unplayable disaster, and the amount of realm fragments that we can farm was/is not nearly enough to what we need for these events. : D
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