Announcement Release 240 Patchnotes

Discussion in 'Patchnotes and Maintenance' started by teddy.bear, Aug 19, 2020.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Heroes of Dracania,

    While we are working hard on the Content Expansion, we also prepared some bug fixes that will go out with Release 240.​

    We know that you are waiting for the Content Expansion but it will take a bit more time until we are ready to release it – so please be patient and we hope you have a fun time in Dracania until then with the Anniversary Event.
    See you in Kingshill!


    Dracanian Anniversary Festival
    • An issue that the Flaming Beast effect for the Pauldrons of the Ferocious Beast could not drop from the Golden Pinatas, has been fixed
    • Some missing localizations have been added
    • An issue that caused some visualization issues with the reward progress bars, has been fixed


    Item Upgrade
    • An issue that the “Buy Now” button in the upgrade window, did not work if you tried to buy Glyphs of Power with an Andermant price lower than 20.000, has been fixed

    Shop & Offers
    • An issue that players on level 55 received a special discount offer for Scrolls and Tomes of Insight, has been fixed
    • An issue that caused the “deals” page in the shop, to hang in an infinite loading cycle, has been fixed

    • An issue that the Bunny Costume buff effect stated that it grants an immunity to negative effects like stun, has been fixed

    • Some localization issues for the Bulgarian language, have been fixed
    • The issue that some texts were overlapping in the Leaderboard window in the Portuguese language, have been fixed
    • Some missing translations in other languages have been fixed

    Together with the Release of 240 we will compensate everyone who has opened all the Golden Pinatas already and have not received the Flaming Beast effect. You should get it as a booking right after your login.​
    Edith and yener123456 like this.
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