Announcement Release 255 Patchnotes

Discussion in 'Patchnotes and Maintenance' started by Mariokbe, May 14, 2022.

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  1. Mariokbe

    Mariokbe User

    Release 255 has big impact on the PvP. This is the first phase of PvP balance with various changes in skills and gameplay. Goal is to balance number and cooldown of characters' stun skills, armor breaking skills, antistun skills, HP regeneration skills, damage output etc.

    Overall changes and fixes
    • Dragonknight´s skill Furrious Battle Cry can be used as antistun skill now.
    • Dragonknight´s skill Dragon Hide cannot be used as antistun skill anymore.
    • We fixed bug with resource regeneration runes, which were restoring abnormal big amout of resource points per second. This made skill resource cost feature useless, what was never intended. But don´t worry, there are a lot of items, pets, potions and buffs that give some bonus resource points!
    • Dragon Hide and Stun Immunity Effect animation is now visible during whole effect duration, not only at the start.
    • Stun Immunity Effect now has correct animation.
    • Immunity effects now work against medusa cloak bonus.
    • Grimmag torso's unique values have been fixed and improved.
    • Dragonknight´s Outburst had 30% chance to stun enemies. This was not intended and it is fixed.
    • Dragonknight´s Outburst was regenerating 60 rage. This was not intended and it is fixed.
    • Using Spike shield again, while effect was active did not refresh the duration, this was fixed.
    • Sharr Kharab´s offhand item unique bonus does not work in PvP anymore
    • Jewel of the Easter Fever is now counted into achievements
    • Ranger's Exploding Hit talent now deals physical damage, instead of fire damage.

    PvP changes
    → Overall
    • Entering PvP now gives you buff that secures more interesting and balanced fights.
    • Stun immunity obtained after being stunned is shortened from 10 seconds to 0,5 seconds in PvP.
    • Runes have no effect in PvP anymore.
    • Penalty for leaving PvP matches is reduced from 15 minutes to 5 minutes.
    • All jump skills now have 10 seconds cooldown in PvP instead of 5 seconds.
    • Using Furious Battle Cry and Adrenaline now drops the flag in Capture the Flag PvP mode.
    • Some healing effects worked in exhaustion phase, this was fixed.
    • Agathon guardians (Banner of War talent minions) are reset when new round starts and can be mind controlled
    • Using movement boosting skills (such as Adrenaline and Furious Battle Cry) while wearing the PvP flag on Capture the Flag mode now makes you drop it.

    → Dragonknight
    • Most of skills have different skill damage, cooldown or resource cost. Please check skill description to find more information.
    • Dragon Hide duration is 20% shorter in competition.
    • Warrior can use more skills without rage in PvP than before.
    • Healing effect on Spike Shield now regenerates 0,5% instead of 5% heal per hit in PvP. Duration also matches its PvP duration.
    • Warrior has new talents in PvP tree:
    Level 40: (Same as before, but there is no 60 second cooldown anymore).
    Level 35: If your life force falls below 33%, your metabolism will speed up and a supernatural regenerative force will be unleashed that causes your wounds to heal entirely on their own and after defeating an enemy player, 15% of your life force will be restored as well.
    Level 30: You can now use your Dragon Hide skill to debuff stunning effects or any other negative effects and while your dragon hide skill is in effect, you are immune from negative effects.
    Level 15: When you activate your Dragon Hide or Furious Battle Cry skills, you can regenerate 2% of your maximum HP per second for 5,0 seconds.

    → Ranger
    • Most of skills have different skill damage, cooldown or resource cost. Please check skill description to find more information.
    • HP regeneration of Tree of Life is now 0,25% per second.
    • Ranger has new talents in PvP tree:
    Level 40: (The same talent, but no 60 second cooldown anymore)
    Level 35: If your life force falls below 33%, your survival instinct skill will activate an adrenaline rush that will replenish your concentration and increase your travel speed by 50% for 5,0 seconds. In addition, you will have 4,0 second immunity against enemy stun effects. Moreover, when you defeat a player, you'll get 15% of your Health Points back.
    Level 30: You can now use your Adrenaline to reverse a buff that stuns or has any other negative effect.
    Level 15: The arrows you shoot using your Precision Shot, Hunting Arrow and Explosive Arrow skills will now fly 33% quicker. Your bird of prey flies faster as well.

    → Mage
    • Most of skills have different skill damage, cooldown or resource cost. Please check skill description to find more information.
    • Frost wind freezes enemies for 1.0 second in PvP
    • HP regeneration of Guardian while Bloodmage talent is active is now 0,1% per point in PvP.
    • Mage has new talents in PvP tree:
    Level 40: (Same as before, but there is no 60 second cooldown anymore).
    Level 35: If your life force falls below 33%, you will be enveloped by a cyanite shield that will absorb almost all of the damage you suffer for 4,0 seconds. Moreover, after defeating an enemy player, 15% of your life force will be restored as well.
    Level 30: You can now use your Mind Control skill to debuff stunning effects or any other negative effects.
    Level 15: Your attack speed in competition has now been increased by 20%.

    → Steam Mechanicus
    • Most of skills have different skill damage, cooldown or resource cost. Please check skill description to find more information.
    • Iron Dwarf mode lasts for 12.0 seconds.
    • Talent Engineer now heals 0,4% of your HP per hit in PvP.
    • Dwarf has new talents in PvP tree:
    Level 40: (The same talent, but no 60 second cooldown anymore + bombs are faster)
    Level 35: If your life force falls below 33%, your steam will be filled and all enemies in 7.0 meter radius around you will be stunned for 2.0 seconds. This effect also allows you to use Rocket Pack immediately. Moreover, after defeating an enemy player, 15% of your life force will be restored as well.
    Level 30: You can now use your Iron Dwarf skill to reverse a buff that stuns or has any other negative effect and while your Iron Dwarf skill is in effect, you are immune from negative effects.
    Level 15: All your skills cost 20% less steam.

    Future plans
    • Rework of PvP events with special item as a reward
    • Reintroduction of PvP leaderboards
    • Rework of Mystic Cubes and Membership bonuses
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