Reworked Dark Armor set

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by trakilaki, Sep 17, 2015.

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  1. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    I didn't say it doesn't look nice (and yes, the pauldrons are a lil' bit weird, always thought it), but some tiny tweaks would've made it look nicer. You know, like a Pokemon MegaEvolution (sorry, no other good example came to mind xD)... not an exaggerated one, of course.
  2. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Wow, I just went to Gnob to get the Dark set before 156 comes and there is a line out the door of peeps trying to buy it. I hope he doesn't sell out of my size before I get to the counter.

    -Sent from my iPhone-
    mrmlja, silverseas, MANOJ and 4 others like this.
  3. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    To all of those who used a Gnob pass to go and buy the old set so they can just purchase stones when he comes to Kingshill and upgrade it: you've probably spent your money too soon, and unnecessarily and also maybe wasted a teleportation scroll for his cave: the price for all of the pieces, bar the helmet, are the same, whichever way you do it. Old pauldrons, gloves & boots cost 1k each + 3 stones @ 300 each = 1900 for one piece - same as the reworked ones' individual price. Same thing for the torso: old one was 650 x 4, plus 900 for the stones, you get 3500... the price of the new one. Therefore, unless you did it for the helmet (spending 1k + 900 in stones to get the new one, as opposed to 3500, saving you quite some Draken), you've kinda wasted your portal and spent the money too fast... maybe you would've had a change of heart and went for the new weapon, or something else.
  4. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    I have only got the Helmet, obviously :)
    And who cares about that portal. Looks like I kept it for this case specifically :)

    Can't wait to try the set on, despite the lack of HP. Gloves are not much slower than my 17.2, boots not much slower than my 17.0, should be ok. And also a combo of the set with the 22% dmg torso should be nice, for the boss fighting :)
    Morinphen likes this.
  5. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I see ... you are not informed :D
    I have used one portal and bought all the 5 items ... now i have complete 2 sets.
    Why? Because it is now or (maybe) never. You missed this part of the official announcement:

    The old set parts are not available after R156.
    And of course I knew that before that announcement ...
  6. MANOJ

    MANOJ Forum Pro

    And, the old dark set and new armor of darkness will have different achievement points offered.
    So, players who are working on achievement points and still haven't got the dark set can buy it now, wear it and get the 50 points.
    Later, craft armor of darkness and wear it when they come up with achievement points for it (R157 maybe).
  7. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    I'm aware of that. You have 2 complete sets of the Dark Armor set because you want to upgrade one to the new Armor of Darkness and keep the other you've had until now, yes? OK, so you spent 1k on the helmet and will spend another 900 for the stones to upgrade to the new one, saving you 1.6k, that's that. But you've also paid 5.6k on the torso, pauldrons, gloves and boots together and will spend another 3.6k for the upgrade stones for all 4 parts... which is the same price you would've paid for directly buying the new torso, pauldrons, gloves & boots tomorrow. So, you didn't waste a portal because you've saved on the helmet and even if you complicated yourself with the other 4 parts, you didn't lose any Draken. However, you've occupied 4 spaces of your inventory that you needn't have had filled. That's what I meant.

    I wrote that post after having seen _Baragain_ say that he would've liked to test the new Gnob 1H hammer, but he needs to save up again because he spent it on a full Dark Set after having melted his in the past, thinking it won't be of use anymore. Now, if he had only bought the helmet, he would still have the choice of either getting the complete new set or trying out that weapon.
    Yeah, I missed that part. Oups. Then, unless going for the achievement, it's the same thing if you get old set bar helmet and plan to upgrade or just buy 4/5 of it when Gnob comes. There's no Draken to be saved apart from on the helmet piece.
  8. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I had 12 portals, and still have 11... since the price is the same, it makes no difference to me in the end.
    After reading in the other thread that exhaustion ticks are no longer blocked or reduced by armor/resistance in R156 and on, I have no desire to test that hammer anymore. It would only be useful for tanking Balor and I don't need the help of that little hammer with my gear.
    Morinphen likes this.
  9. tassadar1977

    tassadar1977 Forum Expert

    (5): "Shroud of Darkness": "Plunge" gives you and all allies....

    just a question, but does plunge mean dive, or is there some other meaning to what this skill might be?
  10. Troneck86

    Troneck86 Forum Great Master

    Dive, Rage Jump, Teleport, Jumpack or whatever dwarf jump skill is.
  11. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Btw, have anyone found that plunge any useful? I usually skip 5th part of the set for more damage.
  12. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    The buff is too short in duration to make any significant difference for the team and only mildly useful for the user because of how much armor the set has already. I wouldn't use it even if I used that armor at all.
    sebastian_fl likes this.
  13. pydragons

    pydragons Padavan

    While I dont have full Dark Armor set, I was running with a group who had a guy with that set.
    Well he benefited me with nothing.
    Okay I started to explain why the buff is lame but I wont.

    The buff is totally useless, simple as that !
  14. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    I don't see the buff in PVP or in party play very often which tells me people either don't have, or don't care to wear the full set.

    As for the buff itself: its too short, it doesn't provide much benefit, its AOE(Area of Effect) is too small to be useful on all party members, you have to stand close to the tank for them to get the benefit which is not practical if you are running with a DK cause you are likely in damage mode and don't want to be that close to the melee, you have to burn a skill with a cooldown if you want to use it just for the buff making the skill itself a byproduct of the buff with no related purpose. Other than that it's awesome:rolleyes:.
    sebastian_fl likes this.
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