Roadmap 2019

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by Phyrix, May 22, 2019.

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  1. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    There was someone who posted pics of a db file.
    Dont know how he did it but it showed uniques an axe for dks, not sure what it does but more pieces than the axe too.
    Anyways db files screenshots are not allowed on the forum so theres that...
    However if memory serves me correctly it was the db file screenshot from r214
    Testador likes this.
  2. Purgerzg

    Purgerzg Active Author

    q7 is great for mage ( singularity is decreasing meteor cooldown very fast ), on TS I play q6 inf3 with 7500-9000dmg,47% critic and 240% critic dmg(2h), ofc it take me 15min to clear map, but I can do with 0 deaths, simply because monsters do not attack me. Example: with DK impossible, with RA very hard, with dwarf hard. And for proofing, it should calculate real example, not like testing with stationary/non attack monsters/boss + attacking them 1 millisecond after cooldown with all possible attacks and with 100% accuracy (only program can fight like that)

    Every player can say whatever they want, as long they do not insulting someone

    About false information, your veg/meat is one of them. So I will give you example

    1. Meat, and vegetables have same taxes. This means that meat and vegetables are costing same.
    2. But vegetarians don't eat meat. They're unhappy because they have to pay same for food if they want to stay themselves.
    3. The vegetarians persuade the government to add a little taxes on the meat. It's still not enough (veg will ask to do point where meat eaters will start starving), but that's all government is willing to do.
    4. The meat eaters are still in a good position compared to the original one, but they start crying about that ( normal reaction )
    number 5 have absolutely nothing with stockholm syndrome

    Funny thing is here that I am completely neutral about all of that, but problem is that I ask questions
  3. elitecrew1031

    elitecrew1031 Regular

    It means that mages can use weapon they want, and use the set they like, and still having best monster clear and almost the same dmg as a dwarf on bosses. Broken class .
    Adc's on drakensang (if someone is playing LoL will understand)
  4. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    all classes have similar damages

    But Dwarves, thanks to the existance of q8 set, have much more dps than mages

    And the only choice mages really have is the use of the weapon, while they are also forced to use dragan and witchseeker set
  5. elitecrew1031

    elitecrew1031 Regular

    I am not going to explain on people that refuse to understand what am i trying to say .
    Everything that i am saying is already tested .
    Dwarf and mage with the same dmg :
    Mage will finish faster the map + the boss, because faster monster clear on the map .
  6. Xerustes

    Xerustes Junior Expert

    But only if you clear the map, which is Not necessary. If you rush through dwarf is as fast, even when some Mobs have to be killed for entering next map.
    With its longer jump on some Maps especially in some Events, dwarf even gets faster through the map, as he has shortcut.

    And that he has a much higher dps on stationary bosses with q7/q8 as any other class is a fact that even players wearing dwarf-glasses can Not deny. :rolleyes:

    So rushing through+Boss kill dwarf is faster.
    LongShlong. likes this.
  7. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    so you're going to pretend q8 set for dwarves doesn't exist?
    i don't even want to nerf it
  8. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    I will remind players of 1 thing regarding rangers and boss battles.
    The strength of the q7 set bonus for rangers was that they were able to break boss armor then deliver insane blows to bosses.
    Now however bosses armor does not break.
    So not only does rangers not have explosive arrow for 3 seconds they also deal a looot less damage vs bosses with q7.
    piteris2 and LongShlong. like this.
  9. KulawyMao

    KulawyMao Exceptional Talent

    pff u forgot pt wisdom where ranger have another one buff for ea, and he has 40% chance to 'no cd' on net = 2-3 sec and boss i4 don't half hp than if he's lucky and get 1 extra net it's 3/4 boss inf4 hp than if he's super lucky u get one more net and boss is dead in few sec

    ranger has best dps on boss but he need some luck on net if he doesn't get it, it's like mag on boss
    mag has best start on 55 bc he has 2 'tanks' in solo farming so he can do pain 5min after get 55
    but when u have some hp dwarf is 2x better
    bc mag can make 'tanks' all the time, but dwarf with turrets will clean map much faster
    on kox stats dwarf can do map in the same time as mag so its no diffrents = mech as slower but has more dps, mag are faster but has lower dps = in maps where u need kill some mobs there is almost no diffrents on this 2 classes

    on boss its diffrents ;d
    if boss stand in 1 place like grimmag = dwarf will be killing faster
    but on walking boss mag will be killing faster

    and about q7+q8 i don't remember it exacly but mag do 500-600% dmg on it when dwarf do 1k+ dmg...its numbered somewhere on this forum so if u want u can looking for it

    for what they want to uptade kingshill again? how many times it will be changing? i'm playing here long time and i remember few kingshill for what they want to do it again? they don't have anythink else to do? xd

    uptade 2.0/3.0? what it means?
    what will be changing in eq?
  10. Purgerzg

    Purgerzg Active Author

    while dwarf cast turrets, mag will clear map
    about grimmag- learn something called "elemental weakness"

    and about q7+q8-learn something called "synchronicity"
    and learn something called Target:single enemy or Target: multiple enemies
  11. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    While weaker character uses a single skill, the stronger character will clear the map. That's how it is. If a dwarf is playing with stronger mages, that's what happens. If a mage is playing with stronger dwarfs, that's what happens too. Perhaps in a solo play dwarf might be a little slower in clearing the map than a good bloodrune-built mage... but then again... dwarf has higher mobility than a mage, dwarf can jump where no other classes can, and dwarf will outclass the mage on the boss.

    Elemental Affinity. Yes.
    What about it?
    Dwarf has physical damage and even if armor is on grimmag like the ice resistance (it probably is more like lightning res anyways), dwarf is going to do way more damage than a mage.
    Then think Sigris where mage has decreased both the sphere and lightning damage. Think Mortis, who has double the resistance than armor.

    What about it? Where is the halved casting time of lightning and its infinite spam during a buff that can be repeatedly unleashed 'cause "synchronicity"? Where's the ability to almost only run when you can't stand and fight because you've gone to a mode too high for yourself, and still kill the boss with 528% base damage per second (!), possibly even buffed by +150% to damage, since you don't need the q7 buff for anything else than buffing your turrets if you're only running?
    I have an idea. Make Q8 for mages launching three Frozen Spheres instead of one each time you use it. If it effectively triples the damage of the strongest dwarf's skill, why doesn't it do that for mage? It doesn't even triple the affected skill's damage, the Ice Missile.

    You mean those parts in the description? What about it? That it shows "Target: single enemy" for Death Sweep of ranger, which since the begin was and still is a multitarget skill? Or that it shows "Target: multiple enemies" for Deadly Blow of ranger, which is a single target enemy skill? I admit, it'd be fun if they made them work the other way around (aka the way the descriptions are saying) and the poison effect of DS worked on bosses as it did prior to the immunity messup... even if even the animations look otherwise.
  12. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    I've seen a video where dwarf with q7 and dk with q7 make turns at killing heredur
    same essence everything except dwarf has 20k dmg and dk 30k dmg and the dwarf kills heredur faster than the dk.
  13. Purgerzg

    Purgerzg Active Author

    Why not? For me personally it can deal 10 FS and break armor in the same time. Didn't notice that I ever complain about "some class i OP in PVE"
    And all that theory about "this class is OP" is pretty much annoying (for me) and it destroying the game.I already say, why you all do not make video and show how some class is OP?
  14. elitecrew1031

    elitecrew1031 Regular

    If you skip the map then you are skipping around 70% of your drop per 1 run . What is th point to enter somewhere if im going to miss so much drop ?
    And lets use your logic as a counter.
    I dont do the boss because it's too hard and the map gives 70% of the drop per 1 run. Boom dwarfs is automaticly weaker then mage
    No, q8 dwarf exist just you and 80% of this forum can't accept the fact that the dwarf have the best dps for boss while other classes have better clear and in end game build other classes are supirerior

    In other way said: dwarf have the role of washing machine.
    Mage have the role of dishwasher.
    Yea but mage want to be a dishwasher and washing machine at the same time, while making washing machine weaker.
  15. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    Going by this logic, all you should do is farming the maps.

    Boss gives way more drops per time spent than the map, you get more materi ('cause chest), you get cores on top of that. Skipping the map is saving your time, not losing it... exception is farming inf4, there you want to kill everything for the t8.

    Go one mode down, or a few if necessary.

    Dwarfs WITH THE BROKEN Q7+Q8 COMBO have a few times better DPS for bosses than the other classes. Without that damned combo they're generally on pair.
    Map clearing, on the other hand, takes a little bit longer for dwarfs, I'd estimate that to be about 25% - and not more. Hmm... what's better?
    Who would win?​
    25% faster clearing the map which is already fast enough300% faster killing the boss (or 100% faster, but with being virtually immortal 'cause kiting while damage is being dealt), which is the sole thing that may pose a challenge...
    Not even saying that if it's lower than inf4 or if one doesn't value the entrances that much anymore... dwarf wins in everything, for he's got higher mobilty and the shortcuts.

    Every class has its own version of "he clears the map before I [insert something here]":
    • Dwarf "he clears the map before I place my turrets, they get placed so slow"
    • Mage "he clears the map before my FS reaches the enemies, it flies so slowly"
    • Ranger "he clears the map before I start using my real skills for I have to mark"
    • DK "he clears the map before I get close enough to the mobs"
    When are you all going to realise that it's not a class problem but rather character strength problem?
    Last edited: May 26, 2019
    LongShlong. likes this.
  16. Purgerzg

    Purgerzg Active Author

    OK, now I see that you have problems with dwarf class and for you the best will be to disable dwarf class.
    Again, some theory wihout any prove
    OK, another proposal for me, if you play on grimmag server (or any other player want) we can go and test all that theory
  17. elitecrew1031

    elitecrew1031 Regular

    In end game build, Mage/Ranger/Warrior will always have more dmg then a dwarf, you can guess why.
    If i remember correctly there is a mage in heredur server Godofmages was his name and if i remember correctly he can do arachna map (full clear + boss) for 3:13 (on old video ) if you can find me a dwarf with end game build that can do full clear on q2 + killing the boss for 3:13 with dwarf.

    This is why i dont like to explain here, on drakenxang Adc's refusing to understand game mechanics (like in LoL) . You just refuse to understand Mage is the superior class in end game build
    P.s 300% faster ??? you mean 10-20 seconds faster then other classes ?
    Last edited: May 26, 2019
  18. Marsicanus

    Marsicanus Forum Veteran

    1) I fear to.
    2) equipment upgrade is for PvE...see images Q&A on instagram
    3) Transmogrification can be interesting BUT they'll spend many work hours for a simple change of skin

    I see that [​IMG]
    Testador likes this.
  19. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Please continue on topic, we have more than enough 'your class is better than mine' threads on this board.

    TwiliShadow likes this.
  20. Testador

    Testador Junior Expert

    Thanks @Phyrix and @Marsicanus, but I want to see the status of these items. ;)

    @Marsicanus, where did you find the image?
    vegetadavid likes this.