Ruby Gems

Discussion in 'Questions about Getting Started in the Game' started by BlueMonkeyKing, Jun 14, 2022.

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  1. BlueMonkeyKing

    BlueMonkeyKing Forum Greenhorn

    Do the offensive gems still work if I put them in boots and gloves. Or do they only work in weapon slots?
  2. RantNRave

    RantNRave Someday Author

    Gems will give stat bonuses wherever they are socketed. If its not a base stat, it will add a new line on the item in blue with the gems stat gains.

    Stacking gems with the right enchantments is the way to get more value out of them 2-3 fold. completing the enchantment transfer quest mid game is ideal so your ready late game, otherwise use gems on best base%+ random enchantment.

    Gloves and boots can contain damage base stats and random enchantments, but late game, these spots have little or no unique attack values, so other gear slots are most likely better.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2022
    BlueMonkeyKing likes this.
  3. BlueMonkeyKing

    BlueMonkeyKing Forum Greenhorn

    Thanks, Im lvl 52 now. Ill do some research on the enchantment transfer quest.