Ruined game. Frozen sphere

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Dilemas, Dec 3, 2020.

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  1. Dilemas

    Dilemas Forum Apprentice

    Frozen sphere now has 5 seconds cooldown.. are you serious ?
    Thought on geting back to game, but this made my point to quit and never back here again
    Godbaj and TheBullFroG like this.
  2. TheBullFroG

    TheBullFroG Forum Greenhorn

    I could never agree more. Im here in these forums just to express how bad I feel about this awful update.
    You cannot just go and change everything that everyone loved after so many years of gameplays and so
    many hours of farming. Farming was for me the best thing in this game and now look at it. I deal 0 damage
    to the monsters that I was oneshoting. That's just disgusting.

    Big Thanks to Bigpoint.
  3. Dilemas

    Dilemas Forum Apprentice

    its sad.. will come only to forum, to read maybe in these days they will roll back stupid decisions and bring at least some changes
    TheBullFroG likes this.
  4. amuntak47

    amuntak47 Someday Author

    Everyone QUIT , dont lost your time in this EDIT they would probably change everything again when you build again your character.
    Lost so much energy and time to go to Tier 10 for nothing
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 4, 2020
    TheBullFroG likes this.
  5. TheBullFroG

    TheBullFroG Forum Greenhorn

    I can feel your pain mate you was farming lot's of hours I can bet on that for sure!