
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Greenland, Feb 6, 2018.

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  1. Greenland

    Greenland Forum Greenhorn

    I got here 3 pictures, 1 of my mage, my ranger and my dk. So I've been following some posts on fb, I've red some class discussions on the forum and I saw a lot of people calling dk and ranger the strongest classes. Even ranger has the best reputation I guess atm.

    Now here is my question to the players that farm alot or do lots of pvp.
    Is it worth it to switch over to my ranger or dk? (mage is my 'main'). Some arguments I have are that I haven't played for a couple years so really stats wise they are kinda all the same. My mage obviously has the advantage of having very decent stones however I've heard stones aren't that big of a thing anymore.. correct me if I'm wrong here!
    I have to make a choice because playing on all of them wo'nt get me better at all.
    (I know at least one of you is gonna say' play what you like most' But I like all of them so I want some good facts or arguments of the classes in pve and pvp and an answer on what I should I keep playing? You guys still think its worth it to play my mage? hearing from so many people ths the worst class of all.

    Some things you might want to know, im f2p and don't want to spend that much time on the game, I'm not a hardcore farmer. Any other questions about my chars always welcome.
  2. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

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