run speed problem

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by CemalRavage, Mar 15, 2014.

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  1. CemalRavage

    CemalRavage Junior Expert

    Hi guys , its because of my computer or you too get like a "lag" in arena if the enemy is using +25% more run speed in arena ? I see them like "teleporting" from one point to other , if they stay in one place and after they move , i see like they teleport 1 meter away befor they start running...
  2. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    Do you have a lag when playing?
    How big is this lag if you have one and do you get screen freeze for 1-2 seconds?
  3. CemalRavage

    CemalRavage Junior Expert

    dont have lag because of internet speed , i have a little because of my craphic card , i have a GT520 , if i put the game on low graphics and turn off shaows , the fps is good , the game runs good , but in arena players with run speed ability look like they desapier instead of running , its the animation , they start to run but the toon looks like is teleporting 1 meter away and then starts too run , its a animation lag , but i dont know if its only by me or others have the same problem .
    Its a pain in the EDIT to mark and hit players as a ranger

    I tryd to FRAPS a match , the game runs very laggi with fraps On , very low fps , but if i play the video the game runs good , there is no lagging in the video , idk why but it is only on the real time screen(in the moment i play)
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 15, 2014
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