Sargon event- when I enter sargon , I m always alone

Discussion in 'Event Questions' started by Yulka1980, Jul 5, 2021.

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  1. Yulka1980

    Yulka1980 Forum Apprentice

    Everytime(and I mean everytime time) when I enter the Sargon event with a group and we have to face Sargon, I get separated from the group and have to face Sargon alone.

    It makes me think that I m missing something, a quest?, which the rest have done and that is, why i get separated.

    If anybody knows whats wrong. I would appreciate the information.

  2. DamarèRo

    DamarèRo Padavan

    I think the problem is from what i saw at a player once, because internet connection it is very slow, you go in another room. I repeat, we wait for him always, but hes got new room in each time...
  3. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    Does the separated person have both phases of the fight or only one? That is, after defeating the first walking (heredur-like) form of Sargon, does a second giant purple form spawn in the middle from the ground?

    If no, and the battle is one-phase only, there's the answer. Do all the quests from the CE questline (Suburbs of Cardhun and beyond).
    silverseas likes this.