Sargon V Easter Raffle [Answers]

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Melethainiel, Apr 14, 2014.

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  1. shakertw

    shakertw Forum Greenhorn

    94 eggs
  2. kido777

    kido777 Forum Greenhorn

  3. Lin

    Lin Forum Apprentice

    93 egg
  4. mintechen8888

    mintechen8888 Forum Greenhorn

  5. watercat

    watercat Forum Greenhorn

  6. grape106

    grape106 Forum Greenhorn

  7. thomas66163

    thomas66163 Forum Greenhorn

  8. alexwiwiwiwi

    alexwiwiwiwi Forum Greenhorn

  9. alex681130

    alex681130 Forum Greenhorn

  10. alexamax

    alexamax Forum Greenhorn

  11. alexwiwiwi

    alexwiwiwi Forum Greenhorn

  12. buhurrr

    buhurrr Someday Author

    31. (32 if that's an egg balancing on sargon's mace pommel lol) though,

    Answer: 31
  13. Jolakos07

    Jolakos07 Junior Expert

    26 eggs :)
  14. T.ming

    T.ming Forum Greenhorn

  15. Muscle

    Muscle Forum Pro

    I found 26 eggs! Happy Easter everyone :) <3
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2014
    yamahamm and Jolakos07 like this.
  16. yamahamm

    yamahamm Advanced

    96 I guess ^^
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2014
  17. Zolty

    Zolty Forum Greenhorn

    29 eggs ;)
  18. Kurfo

    Kurfo Junior Expert

    91 eggs
  19. lbj0511

    lbj0511 Forum Greenhorn

    92 eggs
  20. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    I did a randomizer from 1 to 100 and I got 38 so I tried to find 38 eggs on the picture. I stopped after that regardless of whether there might be more or not!... so my answer will be....

    Answer: 38
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