saved stuff

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by dawmjr, Jan 27, 2018.

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  1. dawmjr

    dawmjr Junior Expert

    i played now 6 years, i have all inventory opened, we need to work on tips, i have many pieces of many things, i need to know what else i need, please work tips, show what else need

    i save stuff for 6 years , seem the instant i delete you come up , make it better, this the place direct me, not this i ask another ?, you cani know at whim change, do a wish, im upset been here 6 years, and 3 times or more, you change stats on my gear im hering, this is wrong
    i use calcuater work hard find best combo, this is wron,

    who do i talk to,
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 27, 2018
  2. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    This is a forum, not an instant chat (no use re-writing every 5-10 minutes).
    If you want to add anything, use the EDIT button because multiple posts are considered spam.

    It is quite hard to understand what you mean, but I think I got it. For game news, see patchnotes for releases you have missed. Most changes should be noted there (OFC, start with the oldest). For items and knowing which are still usable and which not, we can't know what you have; we are players too, not devs. You can make a list of item names, or take a picture, and post it. Then we might be able to help you decide what to keep and what to toss.

    Good luck!
    Eridiani likes this.
  3. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there @dawmjr ,

    First of all, I recommend you to read our forum rules (link in my sign). Consecutive posts are considered as spam, make use of EDIT button when you've something else to add to your previous post.
    Second, please try to provide more detailed information in order to help you, as @Morinphen pointed out.
    Morinphen likes this.
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