Announcement Script Contest - post here your entries!

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Feb 8, 2016.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
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  1. -SirMadMan-

    -SirMadMan- Someday Author

    User ID: 007
    Character name: MrAnonymous
    Server: TheDungeonRoom
    Idhaya and Szmaciak like this.
  2. ReD_HoOLiGaN

    ReD_HoOLiGaN Forum Greenhorn

  3. silmae

    silmae Forum Greenhorn

  4. OutSider92

    OutSider92 Forum Greenhorn


    ID: 102168518
    Character name: Sodera
    Server: Heredur
  5. Johnshiro

    Johnshiro Forum Greenhorn

    Read this way --------► otherwise it won't make much sense. I would have put numbers on each speech bubble, but the rules limits that as well.
    Character name: Johnshiro
  6. Mr.Tank

    Mr.Tank Forum Greenhorn

    ID: 108187243
    IGN: Yachakjr
    Server : Heredur
    Darwarren likes this.
  7. Hemanta

    Hemanta Forum Greenhorn


    ID: 106781779
    Server: Heredur
  8. Idhaya

    Idhaya Forum Greenhorn

    User ID: 101055203
    Character name: Angryass
    Server: Balor PvP
  9. -Wintersolstice-

    -Wintersolstice- Forum Apprentice

    ID: 437526
    Name: Wintersolstice
    Server: Tegan

  10. AseroD

    AseroD Forum Greenhorn


    ID: 109904446
    Name: AseroD
    Server: Heredur
  11. .oligark.

    .oligark. Forum Apprentice

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