Searching for English speaking guild on Agathon

Discussion in 'Guild Search' started by helio1985, Oct 24, 2018.

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  1. helio1985

    helio1985 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello everyone Im looking for English speaking guild on Agathon server,very strong Dk
  2. BigHink

    BigHink Forum Inhabitant

    what is you ingame name
  3. helio1985

    helio1985 Forum Greenhorn

  4. Shine2

    Shine2 Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Hello helio1985 and welcome to DSO EN Forums! Enjoy and many happy returns:)
  5. Ruiner

    Ruiner Forum Greenhorn

    Am just returning to the game myself. It seems my old guild has died out entirely. Currently seeking active Guild, I am currently only lvl 50 on my highest toon, but I have the 3 day exp buff and will be 55 ASAP.

    In game name :

    Ruiner : 50 Ranger
  6. Hetsunien

    Hetsunien Padavan

    Look at this @Phyrix