secret lair of combat - painful (wall not unlocking)

Discussion in 'Event Questions' started by Arsene04, Dec 29, 2018.

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  1. Arsene04

    Arsene04 Forum Greenhorn

    SO me and my friend got that stone key that leads to the secret lair of combat right after killing the winter event boss, we finished almost the whole map except a part where there is this gigantic soldier holding some sort of wall. We've searched if there's anything we have to do but couldn't find anything. Help us please.

    screenshot of where we are:
  2. Please read the patch notes.

    Every Secret Lair you enter has the same amount of platforms on the map, but the barrier is put up to block the way to the platforms you can not access because you entered the Secret Lair from somewhere other than the Parallel Worlds. My advice as a player is to only use the Secret Lair Offerings at the end of Parallel Worlds if you want to maximize your drops from the Secret Lairs.
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