
Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Makarylli, May 6, 2023.

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  1. Makarylli

    Makarylli Forum Apprentice

    Allright, i have played this for years and stopped about 1-2 year back and now couple months back i came back, everything seemed like it used to to be (servers cant handle the pressure of gamers) i tried to play trough all that bollocks, but today i were farming some casual q1 and tried to go kingshill, wont even load the d a m n map, so i decided ok, i exit and come back. This time it let me in, BUT the game started throwing me out ??? this kind of problems have always been the "main" problem for this game. I just don't understand where our money goes ? i am paying for the premium etc. some small things because i can. But what can you do about your servers ? nothing. seriously... update this game to be able for competition against other MMORPG, this way you lose all your player base because you can't handle the pressure :D
    Drabis777, tozagol and sickbrain like this.
  2. Drabis777

    Drabis777 Forum Apprentice

    I agree with you, it would be nice to have a new USA east server too, would start all over again on that one. I don't want to go to STEAM and play there hehe....